
Pray for Youth and Children – Forest of Dean

Pray for Youth and Children – Forest of Dean

Kings Arms Lydney Community Centre, United Kingdom

Praying for children and young people to come to know Jesus. A monthly Forest of Dean wide prayer breakfast meeting. Open for all to network, support and pray. Organised byContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Quiet Days for anyone in Ministry

Quiet Days for anyone in Ministry

Brownshill Monastry Brownshill Road, Stroud, United Kingdom

A gentle day of prayer and reflection. Time for silence, space to walk and reflect in the presence of others who share our calling. In the beautiful countryside of Stroud,Continue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Theology Munch: online

Theology Munch: online


Join us on the third Wednesday of every month at 1pm for an hour max, when the 'Theology Munch' group will be meeting. They are looking at Paradoxology, by Krish KandiahContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Children & Youth Summer Camps – Connecting Together

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Children & Youth Summer Camps – Connecting Together
Pray for Youth and Children – Forest of Dean
Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

X:Site Forest of Dean

X:Site Forest of Dean

St James Church Bream 1 St James Sq, Bream, United Kingdom

X:site FoD is a high-energy event for 7yr olds to school yr 7. Bringing children together to learn more about the difference Jesus can make in their lives. It isContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Theology Munch: online

Theology Munch: online


Join us on the third Wednesday of every month at 1pm for an hour max, when the 'Theology Munch' group will be meeting. They are looking at Paradoxology, by Krish KandiahContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Chrism Eucharist 2025

Chrism Eucharist 2025

Gloucester Cathedral College Green, Gloucester

On Maundy Thursday, join us for this special service led by the Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Revd Rachel Treweek, which includes the blessing of holy oils. Around 400 clergyContinue reading

Pray for Youth and Children – Forest of Dean

Pray for Youth and Children – Forest of Dean

St James Church Bream 1 St James Sq, Bream, United Kingdom

Praying for children and young people to come to know Jesus. A monthly Forest of Dean wide prayer breakfast meeting. Open for all to network, support and pray. Organised byContinue reading

X:Site Forest of Dean

X:Site Forest of Dean

St James Church Bream 1 St James Sq, Bream, United Kingdom

X:site FoD is a high-energy event for 7yr olds to school yr 7. Bringing children together to learn more about the difference Jesus can make in their lives. It isContinue reading

Quiet Days for anyone in Ministry

Quiet Days for anyone in Ministry

Brownshill Monastry Brownshill Road, Stroud, United Kingdom

A gentle day of prayer and reflection. Time for silence, space to walk and reflect in the presence of others who share our calling. In the beautiful countryside of Stroud,Continue reading


X:Site Forest of Dean

X:Site Forest of Dean

St James Church Bream 1 St James Sq, Bream, United Kingdom

X:site FoD is a high-energy event for 7yr olds to school yr 7. Bringing children together to learn more about the difference Jesus can make in their lives. It isContinue reading

Pray for Schools – Forest of Dean

Pray for Schools – Forest of Dean

Five Acres High School , United Kingdom

Mobilising Christians to support their school communities through prayer. Includes guest speakers, a time of prayer and networking for Christians, teachers, school staff, those involved with schools work and whoContinue reading

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10