Engaging schools and congregations with big questions around science and faith Psalm 111:2 ESV: Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them. This yearContinue reading
Author: Ruth Cameron
Pioneer Ministry Blog: And God grew something new – The Explore Creation journey
Petra Crofton blogs: How God uses our incompetence, frustration and weaknesses to shape something new “I remember it vividly, even though it was some ten years ago. The volunteer children’sContinue reading
Exploring Faith and Spirituality Courses
Every Thursday evening from September 2021 – July 2022 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm £5 – £30 This series of short courses offer the opportunity to explore our faith moreContinue reading
Pioneer ministry blog: Rhythm, Regularity and Response
A Pioneer Ministry Blog from Andy Wilson, Lead Evangelist at Gloucester and Forest Centre of Mission The three Rs : rhythm, regularity and response Much has been written about theseContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry blog: The Shift in Language
A Pioneer Ministry blog post from Andy Wilson, Lead Evangelist, Gloucester & Forest Centre of Mission How things are described can often have an impact on how people see themContinue reading