Exploring Faith and Spirituality Courses

Published: Thursday September 30, 2021

Every Thursday evening from September 2021 – July 2022 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm £5 – £30

This series of short courses offer the opportunity to explore our faith more deeply and experience a breadth of Christian spirituality.

Delivered on Thursday evenings throughout the year, the teaching will be grounded in experience – allowing those who attend not only to grow in knowledge but also in confidence of practice.  Sessions are led by a variety of people from across the Diocese of Gloucester, including Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert. Each course stands alone so it is possible to attend one, more, or all of the courses over the year. Each term the four themes will be revisited with new approaches. The themes are (click on the titles to book)

Approaches to Prayer

Our different personalities and experiences mean that we will respond in a variety of ways to God. Each term there will be a chance to explore and try different ways of praying, discuss what we mean by prayer and be challenged to try new things.

Term 2 – 13, 20 and 27 January 2022
Course content to follow

Term 3 – 28 April and 5, 12 May 2022
Course content to follow

Following in the Footsteps

Down through the centuries there are so many people who have sought to follow Christ and we can learn from them. Using stories of ancient saints and modern Christians these courses will encourage and inspire us to live out our everyday lives knowing we are not alone.

Term 2 – 3, 10 and 17 February 2022

Course content to follow

Term 3 – 19 and 26 May 2022
Course content to follow

Faith in Action

Faith can be very personal and private – but how do we make sure that what we believe is visible in the way that we live our lives? Facilitators will enable us, through their own passions and experience, to look at our lives and what impact they might have on the communities where we live and work.

Term 1 – 4, 11, 18 and 25 November 2021
Course content to follow

Term 2 – 3, 10 and 17 March 2022
Course content to follow

Term 3 – 9, 16 and 23 June 2022
Course content to follow

Meeting God through the Bible

The Bible is both a simple library and a complex anthology of the early life and writings of God’s people. How can we meet God through the words and stories? Participants will be led to seek fresh ways to experience God through Christian scripture.

Term 1 – 2, 9 and 16 December 2021
Course content to follow

Term 2 – 24, 31 March and 7 April 2022
Course content to follow

Term 3 – 30 June and 7, 14 July 2022
Course content to follow

The course will be offered in a blended manner both in person in the Jerusalem Room, 4 College Green, Gloucester and also online using a remote link. Please indicate how you wish to attend upon booking. Courses are two, three or four weeks long, offering you the chance to sign up for them all, or just one or two.

Cost: £5 per person per 2, 3 or 4-week course or £30 per person for the whole year.

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