ane Borgeaud, Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Winchester, has been appointed as the new Director of Education for the Diocese of Gloucester. She will take up her new role on 1 September, as the new academic year begins.
Jane is currently the Programme Co-Leader of the BA Primary Education with QTS at the University of Winchester, leading an Initial Teacher Education programme of over 700 students. Prior to taking on this role in 2019, she led the growth of the University’s Secondary Schools Direct Route, working with a diverse range of school partnerships across Hampshire and Dorset.
Jane’s career began in Hackney as a teacher and senior leader and she has also led an ecumenical project called REinspired Caversham to help Christians deliver RE lessons in their local schools. She is firmly rooted in faith, running holiday clubs and Messy Church with her local church and serving on the PCC and as a Deanery Synod member.
She said, “I am delighted to be joining the Diocese of Gloucester as your new Diocesan Director of Education. I have always perceived my career in education and voluntary work with children and young people as a call to service, and I very much perceive this new role as your DDE, as a new calling to continued service in this continuing vocation.
“It is very clear that I am joining a truly passionate and committed group of people, who share my desire to make a positive difference to the lives of children and young people through their respective roles. I am very excited to be joining this wonderful team. Schools and churches have a vital role to play in supporting children, families and young people in these most challenging of times and enabling them to have life and have it to the full, in the words of John 10:10.”
Bishop Robert, the Chair of the Diocesan Board of Education said, “I know that Bishop Rachel joins with me in expressing delight that Jane has accepted our offer to be the next Diocesan Director of Education.
“Jane has a passionate belief that the Church, through education, is able to make a huge difference to young people’s lives, through our commitment to share life in all its fullness in Jesus Christ. This conviction is wonderfully combined with an outstanding record of professional leadership that will serve the Church and our communities well. We are looking forward to her joining the team and all that she will bring to our schools and wider community in the Diocese.”
Jane lives in Caversham, North Reading, with her two children: Mickey, 15, and Lottie, 13. When her schedule allows, she enjoys walking and camping.