Bishop Rachel contributed to a debate in the House of Lords today, on the causes of crime, reoffending and rehabilitation ~ including the contribution of the voluntary sector.
Bishop Rachel said, “We need to curb the unhelpful and inaccurate rhetoric about keeping the public safer through longer, tougher sentencing.”
Watch in short:
"I urge Noble Lords to join me pushing for a National Debate, so we can turn the tide for the sake of our over-crowded prisons and for real justice for victims of crime"
~ @bishgloucester calls for reform of sentencing@justicegap @PRTuk @WIP_live @TheNelsonTrust @churchstate
— The Diocese of Gloucester (@GlosDioc) June 30, 2022
“We need to curb the unhelpful and inaccurate rhetoric about keeping the public safer through longer, tougher sentencing.”
~ @bishgloucester contributes to a debate on the causes of crime, reoffending and rehabilitation@TheNelsonTrust @prisonadvice @churchstate @welcome_dir
— The Diocese of Gloucester (@GlosDioc) June 30, 2022
Watch the full version:
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