St Catharine’s opens fully accessible loo

Published: Tuesday August 17, 2021

St Catharine’s Church in Gloucester has officially opened a fully accessible toilet, complete with an adult changing facility.

It’s one of only three accessible toilets with an adult changing facility in the city of Gloucester and so is a much-needed blessing for the city, enabling people to enjoy their trips to the area with more comfort.

Parish priest Jo Pestell and two young assistants cut the ribbon on the new facility during the morning service on Sunday 15 August and the church is hoping that this will help them to extend their welcome even further.

Watch the video of the unveiling below.

Revd Jo said, “We have many people in the parish and coming to church who are wheelchair users, and one of our small groups began talking and praying about how we could show our care and welcome more practically to those who struggled with the limited toilet facilities we had in the church building. This resulted in planning and fundraising and more praying, and now the opening of this wonderful facility.

“We feel that this is a physical statement of the spiritual reality of God’s welcome for all and that as whole people each part of who we are is important. We want everyone to feel welcome at St Catharine’s Church and we hope to be able to serve the people of Gloucester and beyond more fully by sharing the blessing of this changing facility too.

“The church is open regularly and the hours the toilet is available will be posted on the Changing Places website where you can also find more details about installing a facility like this (Changing Places Toilets (

We hope that this will give people the confidence to come to church, and to our city, so do get in touch or pop by.”

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