Message from Bishop Rachel, 7 December 2021

Published: Tuesday December 7, 2021

Bishop Rachel‘You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You’ (Augustine of Hippo 354–430)

Whatever our age or circumstances, there is much which occupies our hearts and minds as we live these days of  Advent –  such as the news of a child tortured to death, or the beauty of a winter scene, or the pain of grief, or international turbulence, and all the stuff of daily life. And into all of this comes the telling of the story of the tiny vulnerable child lying in the animal feeding trough over 2,000 years ago. Here is the heart of the matter, and as human hearts cry, sing and break, God comes to us, love beyond measure.

I hope and pray that in these days of Advent, the National Church campaign ‘At the Heart of Christmas’ will encourage each of us to invite family, friends and those around us to share what is on their hearts as we are curious about what is at the heart of Christmas for them. As we listen, may we share something of our story and the story of ‘God with us,’ and make space for children, adults and young people to encounter the story of Christmas afresh.

Perhaps the national resources used in our different contexts in different ways, will enable us to live even deeper connection with one another locally and across the diocese and across the wider Church, with the hope and love of Jesus Christ at the heart.

This comes as ever with heartfelt thanks and prayers for the days ahead,

+ Rachel

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