New Members for the Company of Saint Kyneburga

Published: Monday August 12, 2019

The Bishop of Tewkesbury, the Rt Revd Robert Springett will present long service awards to two people at a special service in Gloucester Cathedral on Tuesday 13 August.

He will be awarding Robert Stephens and Ann Jessop membership of the Company of Saint Kyneburga.

Robert Stephens is a very long serving officer in the Board of Education team in the post of Strategic Lead for Buildings, Land and Trusts. He is extremely knowledgeable about our church school buildings and their history. Over the years he has made possible huge improvements in the learning environments for our children and has also been very judicious and strategic with the use of or sale of our old school buildings ensuring that they have long term benefit for the children across the Diocese. He is very well respected by all he works with and is a valued member of the staff team.

Ann Jessop was PCC Secretary of Bishop’s Cleeve for many years.  She is still Tower Captain, leading the Bell Ringers and organised the restoration our ancient oak, tower staircase for which we received the John Betjeman Award. Ann’s success with grant applications helped us to develop our transepts for use in children’s ministry and also to upgrade the café. She builds up our ecumenical worship as Secretary for Bishop’s Cleeve Churches Together and is on the Ang/RC Joint Church Council.  Ann also provides administrative back up for the Churchwardens and organises teams for Church Watch, First Aid, Health and Safety and Holy Dusters.  She is a ‘font of knowledge’ on our church’s fabric and history and conducts fascinating guided tours for visitors.  She is, quite simply, the oil that helps us to keep the doors open and the roof on!

They will receive badges and certificates to commemorate their admission to the Company to mark their membership of the Company of Saint Kyneburga. Saint Kyneburga was the co-foundress and abbess in the eighth century of the first religious community at what is now Gloucester Cathedral. The association with Kyneburga is a reminder that those who are honoured for their service today are the latest in a long line going back 1300 years of those who have built up, maintained and enriched the life of the Church in Gloucestershire.

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