New photo sharing page on Facebook

Published: Monday April 24, 2017

Camera icon Finding good quality photographs for social media, parish magazines, websites and parish publicity, can be challenging, so we wanted to find a way to pool our resources.

Some churches have access to top end equipment and experienced photographers, while some churches do not, so we wanted to ensure that everyone has access to high quality images, without having to pay. You can also get some fantastic shots on your phone which are worth sharing.

To address this, we have created a new photo-sharing group on Facebook for people who are looking for images for their Church of England church and parish publicity.

When you join the group, you can reproduce (rights-free) any other photos listed in the group. Whenever you take some nice photos, please consider uploading them to the group for others to use too. Please check that any people in the photos have agreed to their images being used in this way.

See  for more information. Visit to join the group or search Diocese of Gloucester Photo Share on Facebook.

Faith: Sharing our stories in new and different ways.

One thought on “New photo sharing page on Facebook

  1. Sounds like a great resource. Is there a standard model release form we could use to collect permissions from people in the photos?

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