I had the immense privilege last weekend of visiting our link Diocese in Western Tanganyika. Just over two hours flight inland from Dar es Salam, the capital of Tanzania, theContinue reading
Tag: slavery
Message from Bishop Rachel, 26 September 2023
For many years October has been marked out as Black History Month, during which black contributions to British society are highlighted and celebrated. There are specific opportunities to hear stories and insights and to look through a different lens not only as we promote and celebrate racial diversity and culture but also as we shine a light on racial justice.
New film released for Black History Month
October is Black History Month, a time to recognise and celebrate the contributions black people have made throughout our country’s history and culture. This year, a new film offers aContinue reading
Blue plaque reveals more about Christian leader George Whitefield
A blue plaque commemorating the life of influential evangelist George Whitefield, has been updated to give a more rounded account of his life story. The sign that sits on theContinue reading
Make it slavery free this Anti-Slavery Day
On 18 October, for Anti-Slavery Day, The Clewer Initiative is inviting churches, communities, businesses and individuals to sign the pledge to ‘Make It Slavery Free‘. It’s a call for all of us toContinue reading
Modern Slavery: how you can help to take action
Thursday 18th October 2018 is Anti-Slavery Day. There are more than 40 million people around the world trapped in some form of modern slavery – it happens right here in Gloucestershire.
Not on Our Turf campaign to bring an end to modern slavery and human trafficking
Churches and other community leaders across Cheltenham are backing a campaign to bring an end to modern day slavery and human trafficking.
“Everyone needs a place to call home” says Bishop
A scheme to use surplus church land to create affordable housing in Gloucester is due for completion in the spring. St Aldate’s vicarage which was no longer needed by theContinue reading
What is true?
By the time this blog is published those who are interested will already know whodunit in Broadchurch. We have had some tense minutes in our family, whattsapping our way throughContinue reading
Bishop Rachel visits Indian link dioceses
Tweets from Bishop Rachel’s visit to our partner dioceses in India.
Bullets beaten into cross
Bishop Rachel presented with pectoral cross and episcopal ring
12 years a slave
Steve McQueen’s 12 years a slave won the best picture Oscar last week. I went to see it with my wife and afterwards found myself uncertain how to reply toContinue reading
It’s not religion that causes wars…
Once again this weekend, as a nation, we remember the dead of two world wars and many desperate international conflicts since. The feel is a bit different this year, itContinue reading