On Sunday we celebrated Pentecost (often known as Whit Sunday). Christians across the world celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit 50 days after that first Easter day, and justContinue reading
Tag: pentecost
Message from Bishop Robert, 23 May 2023
These days, we are living between the feast of the Ascension, which we celebrated last Thursday, and Pentecost, which we will celebrate this coming Sunday, and they have a very particular feel to them.
Message from Bishop Rachel
I want to say thank you to YOU. Thank you for shining Christ’s light in so many different ways across the landscape of your week. Thank you to those who lead in many different ways and in different contexts, when it’s joyous and when it’s tough. Thank you to those who live Christ’s love often in unsung ways and amid the ups and downs of daily life. Thank you to those who pray and encourage.
Message from Bishop Rachel, 31 May 2022
Sometimes a number of things come together at the same time. This Sunday is one of those occasions as we celebrate Pentecost and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Both will involve a ‘coming together’, and I am greatly looking forward to being out in the Diocese in different places with different people of all ages…
Message from Bishop Robert, 24 May 2022
The feast of the Ascension which we celebrate on Thursday has become rather overlooked in recent years. Where once schools would close to allow children to attend church and the community would come together to celebrate, the day largely gets lost in the middle of an ordinary working week.
Thy Kingdom Come 2022
Let us pray! The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have invited parishes across England to join a great wave of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost 2018
Easter Eve confirmations 2022
The evening before Easter, after sunset, a group of people who wanted to publically confirm their faith and trust in Jesus, gathered at Gloucester Cathedral for a confirmation service. BothContinue reading
Thy Kingdom Come, 26 May to 5 June 2022
Archbishops Justin and Stephen are inviting all worshipping communities to pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ during the period between Ascension and Pentecost. They would like all Christians to pray by nameContinue reading
One Diocese blog: “Not just death and religion”
The Revd John Thompson, Lead Chaplain in the Department of Spiritual Care for Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust shares his views on his calling and his ministry in our #OneDiocese blog.Continue reading
Celebrating The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Tell us your plans for the Jubilee Weekend. This year the country will celebrate Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a four day Bank Holiday, from 2 to 5Continue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel: An invitation to share stories of LIFE
As we move into the month of June still learning to live with Covid-19, we do not know what the government guidelines will be for life beyond 21 June, but once again I want to say an enormous Thank You for our life together and for all you have held, led, and navigated over this past year. Thank you too for the way people are creating a wave of thanks, amid both lament and joy, within your local context…
Message from Bishop Rachel
As we prayerfully live these days between Ascension and Pentecost, and tentatively move forward from this time of lockdown into whatever the next season holds, this letter comes with continued thanks for …
Message from Bishop Rachel
On Thursday we will celebrate Ascension Day – a day of ending but not quite of clear new beginning.
Ascension Day marks the end of the story of Christ’s life on earth, and then comes a period of waiting, of wondering, of prayer. Once again there is unexpected change and disconcerting uncertainty, but this time it is lived with expectation (Acts 1:1-14).
Bedtime church brings families flocking
Amy Todd, Children and Youth Worker for Vale and Cotswold Edge tells about how they have stayed connected with local families throughout the pandemic. When lockdown hit, Amy Todd, ChildrenContinue reading
70th anniversary of the Battle of the Imjin River
A message from Bishop Rachel Last Sunday I had the privilege of leading a short service to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Imjin River in theContinue reading
Prayer and thankfulness
As we journey through this season of Easter towards Ascension Day and Pentecost, I want to encourage us to put prayer is at the heart of all we do as we plan, experiment and explore; and also to be attentive to how we fan thankfulness into flame – Thankfulness to God and thankfulness to neighbour
Bishop Rachel’s Easter Day Sermon
No government roadmap or unexpected change can change the coming of God’s kingdom, even now here among us. And amid the pain and joy of the expected and the unexpected, we are invited to have expectant and hope-filled hearts.
Message from Bishop Rachel: Chrism service sermon
Over the past year there has been so much loss of different sorts, and amid the bereavement and the trauma I have been very struck by how many people have said that one of the things they have missed is being able to share food and drink with friends. It’s certainly one of the things I’m looking forward to.
Maundy Thursday: watch the Chrism service from Gloucester Cathedral
Our special Maundy Thursday Chrism service, streamed live from Gloucester Cathedral, is now available to watch below. We were joined, via Zoom and Facebook, by Clergy and Lay people fromContinue reading
Learning processes for churches during COVID-19
In these days of Pentecost, we continue to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit as we go on discerning what it means for us to be theContinue reading
Bishop Rachel’s service on Pentecost Sunday
You are able to watch Bishop Rachel’s Pentecost service from Gloucester Cathedral here. The Readings from the service and Bishop Rachel’s Sermon. Acts 2:1-21 When the day of Pentecost hadContinue reading