Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading
Tag: M&M
Open the Gospel Learning Community
Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading
Open the Gospel: 1 September, 14 after Trinity
Reading: Mark 7.1-8,14,15,21-23 Now when the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around him, they noticed that some of his disciples were eating with defiledContinue reading
EcoChurch Resourcing: EcoChurch drop-in with sustainable heating demo
In this Eco-Church resourcing event, with Matt Fulford (DAC sustainability advisor) and Cate Williams (Environmental Engagement Officer) are looking forward to you joining them to demonstrate different solutions they haveContinue reading
Children and Families: Meeting Point Online Support Group – Cancelled
Please note, this event has been cancelled. Please sign up if you would like to be added to the group for future meetings. Just starting out or feeling your wayContinue reading
Children and Families: Meeting Point Online Support Group
Just starting out or feeling your way with Children and Families ministry? Meeting Point is a new online group meeting once a month for an hour, bringing together people whoContinue reading
Children and Families: Meeting Point Online Support Group
Just starting out or feeling your way with Children and Families ministry? Meeting Point is a new online group meeting once a month for an hour, bringing together people whoContinue reading
Grant Writing Workshop- Additional workshop due to high demand!
There are many Trusts across the UK who are seeking to make grants to churches and worshipping communities but many churches are unsure how to access these and how toContinue reading
Stranger to Friend
Welcome, hospitality and mission. Wherever, and however we meet people, there are small things that make a big difference to how those new to church move from stranger to friend.Continue reading
CALLED to LIVE – Sunday to Saturday
In the comfort of your own home, via Zoom, Pauline Godfrey will offer you a reflective space to consider how you are living out your faith from Sunday to SaturdayContinue reading
CALLED to LIVE – Sunday to Saturday (Taster session)
In the comfort of your own home, via Zoom, Pauline Godfrey will offer you a reflective space to consider how you are living out your faith from Sunday to SaturdayContinue reading
Reader Training Day and AGM
This event is for Readers of Gloucester Diocese ONLY. Reader Training Day is a full day of training and networking for our Reader Community at Hatherley Manor Hotel. It willContinue reading
Readers and Lay Ministry Licensing Service 2025
Date: Saturday 13 September 2025 Timings: 2pm – Arrival and Robing 3pm – Service in the Cathedral Nave Booking information to come Spring 2025. Venue: Gloucester Cathedral Continue reading
Faithful Generations ‘What can a Grandparent do?’ Workshop
‘What can a grandparent do? A question close to our hearts when we long to share our faith with children of the younger generation, whether they are our familial grandchildrenContinue reading
Faithful Generations Events
A shout out to everyone of grandparent generation and the children they love and care for in their families, churches and communities. You are invited to bring each other to Gloucester CathedralContinue reading
Readers and Lay Ministry Licensing Service 2024
Date: Saturday 21 September 2024 Timings: 2pm – Arrival and Robing 3pm – Service in the Cathedral Nave 4.30pm – Refreshments and Cake Please click here to confirm your placeContinue reading
Preaching Generosity Workshop
This workshop is designed for anyone who leads in churches and wants to feel more confident in preaching and teaching about giving as a part of our Christian discipleship. TheContinue reading
Exciting new training opportunity for Children, Youth and Families Ministry
For anyone involved with Children, Youth and Families ministry in the Diocese of Gloucester. More than an ideas factory, the ‘Introduction to Christian Ministry’ course is an opportunity to goContinue reading
Drop in Café session for Children, Family and Youth Ministry
The Children, Families and Youth Connect Team are hosting regular drop in sessions to chat over a coffee and chew over what’s going on in your ministry. No topic orContinue reading
Children, Youth and Families Blog: Annual Leaver’s Services at Gloucester Cathedral.
Lisa-Jayne, our Stewardship and Giving Advisor, shares her first experience of attending the annual Leaver’s Services at Gloucester Cathedral. What an unexpected joy it was to join colleagues from theContinue reading
Reader Café Meet Up
Drop in for a coffee and a chat with our Interim Warden of Readers, Nick Partridge, as well as finding support and connecting with other Readers in the Diocese ofContinue reading
Reader Café Meet Up
Drop in for a coffee and a chat with our Interim Warden of Readers, Nick Partridge, as well as finding support and connecting with other Readers in the Diocese ofContinue reading
Reader Café Meet Up
Drop in for a coffee and a chat with our Interim Warden of Readers, Nick Partridge, as well as finding support and connecting with other Readers in the Diocese ofContinue reading
Preaching the Lectionary Gospel – a year with Luke
At the start of Advent we will tip into year C – reflecting on, studying and hearing from God through the Gospel according to Luke. As we follow the lectionaryContinue reading