Senior Connector Barrie Voyce blogs on the deep value of relationship between grandparent and grandchild, whatever their age.
Category: Children and Family Ministry
Children, Youth and Families blog: The power of grandparents
Senior Connector Barrie Voyce blogs on the deep value of relationship between grandparent and grandchild, whatever their age.
Children, Youth and Families Blog: Moon Music
Senior Connector Barrie Voyce reflects on the new Coldplay album “Moon Music” Straight off the bat I have to confess, I like Coldplay. Their music has always resonated with me,Continue reading
Children, Youth and Families Blog: Advent and Christmas
This blog will provide resources to help you with planning your Children’s, Youth and Families Christmas activities. Recent research has found that people do want church to be a partContinue reading
Children, Youth and Families Blog: Table Talk
Jane Blaken from Blue Coat’s after school club ‘Ignite’ writes about a visit from our very own Senior Children and Families Connector, Jo Wetherall, who introduces them to ‘Table Talk’.Continue reading
Children, Youth and Families Blog: Annual Leaver’s Services at Gloucester Cathedral.
Lisa-Jayne, our Stewardship and Giving Advisor, shares her first experience of attending the annual Leaver’s Services at Gloucester Cathedral. What an unexpected joy it was to join colleagues from theContinue reading
Livestream for 2024 ordinations
Every summer the Church of England celebrates the ordination of new deacons and priests. This newest generation of clergy will join others in leading churches through prayer, teaching, and worship.Continue reading
Children, Youth and Families Blog: Games to play in children’s and youth groups
Kate Smith, Children’s Pastor at St Andrew’s and St Bartholomew’s, Churchdown, shares some games to be used in children’s and youth groups. Caterpillar Race Age: 7+ Equipment: None No. ofContinue reading
Children, Youth and Families Story: Connect Young Leaders Programme celebrates first graduates
The first cohort of the Connect Young Leaders Programme celebrated completing the programme on Sunday 28 April at St Andrew’s, Churchdown. Run over 8 sessions by Senior Youth Connector, Barrie Voyce,Continue reading
Children, Youth and Families Story: St Andrew’s Children’s Prayer Breakfasts
St Andrew’s and St Bartholomew’s Children’s and Families Pastor, Kate Smith, shares good news about their Children’s Prayer Breakfasts. At St Andrews, we have a men’s breakfast and a women’sContinue reading
Children, Youth and Families Blog: The world needs more love and less anger
Senior Youth Connector, Barrie Voyce, blogs about the recent publication of the second part of the latest Translating God research by Youthscape, a highly regarded national youth ministry organisation. TheContinue reading
Sherlock shows children that they belong
The Beacon Benefice in the Cotswolds is branding its all-age services with a friendly sheep called Sherlock to make its offering instantly recognisable. Part of the Benefice’s current focus isContinue reading
Gloucester youth visit Global Epiphany event in Sweden
At the beginning of January Youth Connector Charlotte Butcher-Barnard and four young people (Ella and Amelia Bishop from Chipping Campden and Isaac Davies and Daniel Ward from Tewkesbury) traveled toContinue reading
Youth Worship Nights February-March
There are several youth worship nights that are open to any young people who would like to come along. Please see our upcoming events below: Youth Worship Night- Trinity CheltenhamContinue reading
Unexpected youth club thriving in Gloucester
When Gloucester City deanery started a focus on finding new ways to engage with secondary aged young people, they had no idea that by the end of the year GodContinue reading
Growing spiritual muscles
‘Hey! Christmas has come early for you!’ It was an understandable conclusion for someone to make as my arms were filled with branches of pinecones and a tin of spicedContinue reading