On Maundy Thursday, join us for this special service led by the Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Revd Rachel Treweek, which includes the blessing of holy oils. Around 400 clergyContinue reading
Tag: maundy thursday
Bishop Rachel’s Chrism Eucharist Sermon
Maundy Thursday 28 March 2024: Chrism Eucharist in Gloucester Cathedral
Bishop Rachel’s itinerary during Holy Week and Easter 2023
The week before Easter, known as Holy Week, is a special time for Christians. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, when we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Then, onContinue reading
Maundy Thursday Chrism Eucharist 2023
Gloucester Cathedral will be packed on Thursday 6 April, when clergy and lay ministers from in and around Gloucestershire will gather to take part in a special service to prepareContinue reading
Message from Bishop Robert: Maundy Thursday Chrism
Our Chrism Service, this coming Maundy Thursday, will again be different. Led from the Cathedral this year most of us will join from homes. Yet as always it will be poignant.
Joining the Maundy Thursday 2021 act of worship
Instructions for joining the virtual Maundy Thursday 2021 act of worship at 11am in which clergy, readers and licensed lay workers will reaffirm their ministerial promises. All members of ourContinue reading
Maundy Thursday 2020
Thank you to the thousands of people who joined us live online on 9 April. The subtitled recording is now available below, including BSL sign language for the sermon atContinue reading
2019: Chrism Eucharist at Gloucester Cathedral
Bishop Rachel’s Chrism Eucharist sermon is now available
Bishop Rachel’s Chrism Eucharist sermon
Chrism Eucharist Gloucester Cathedral March 2018 [2 Corinthians 3.17–4.12 & Luke 22.24-30] It is wonderful to see so many people here as we have gathered in from our many differentContinue reading
Gloucestershire’s Royal Maundy Gifts announced
Four people from Gloucestershire have been nominated by the Bishop of Gloucester to receive Royal Maundy Gifts from the Queen. All of the people who have been nominated from theContinue reading
Maundy Thursday 2018: Clergy and lay ministers come together to renew vows
For this years Easter content, click here → Clergy and lay ministers come together to renew vows Gloucester Cathedral will be packed on Thursday 29 March, when clergy andContinue reading