The week before Easter, known as Holy Week, is a special time for Christians.
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, when we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Then, on Maundy Thursday, we remember how Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples before his death. On Good Friday, we reflect on the crucifixion and how Jesus died for our sins, and then, on Easter Sunday, we joyfully celebrate His resurrection.
The Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Revd Rachel Treweek, will be visiting various locations around the Diocese as part of her preparation for the most important day in the Christian calendar. Here is a summary of her week:
Over the week, Bishop Rachel will be connecting with children, young people and families in their communities, focusing on serving others as we think about how Jesus washed the feet of his followers and then reflecting on sharing our faith in Jesus, as the confirmation candidates share their faith publically. She will be spending time with women in HMP Eastwood Park on Easter Day and celebrating Christ rising victorious from the darkness of death.
Monday 3 April
Sportily North Gloucester celebration
Venue and time: Longford Skate Park
Description: A free fun family day full of sports, games, food and fun. Bishop Rachel will be at the Skate Park to cheer everyone on and hear all about the work of Sportily in the area.
Maundy Thursday, 6 April
Diocesan Chrism Eucharist, Gloucester Cathedral
Venue and time: Gloucester Cathedral, 11am
Description: Bishop Rachel will lead the Diocesan Chrism Eucharist service, which includes the blessing of holy oils. Around 400 clergy and lay ministers from across the Diocese of Gloucester will come together for this service, and will process through the Cathedral before renewing their vows of ministry, and being sent out once more to share Jesus Christ’s love and hope across the people and places of the Diocese.
Malvern 3 Counties CountryTastic
Venue and time: Three Counties Showground Malvern, Worcestershire WR13 6NW, from 2pm
Description: As President of the Three Counties Show, Bishop Rachel will be at the Three Counties Showground CountryTastic day, an educational-led event aimed at the under 11s.
Good Friday, 7 April
Messy Easter – an event for all ages
Venue and time: St George’s Church Centre, Brockworth, 10am
Description: Bishop Rachel will be joining Messy Easter in Brockworth from 10am to 11am.
Venue and time: St Barnabas, Tuffley, 10.30am
Description: Bishop Rachel will be joining Messy Easter in Tuffley at 11.15am.
Walk of Witness
Venue and time: Seven Towers Benefice, Norton Village Green, 2pm
Description: Bishop Rachel will join the Revd Joe Knight and people from the churches and wider communities of the Seven Towers Benefice, setting out to walk from Norton Village Green to Norton Church, arriving at 3pm for an Hour at the Cross – a time of reflection.
Holy Saturday, 8 April
The Liturgy of Easter Eve and Confirmations
Venue: Gloucester Cathedral, 8pm to 9.30pm
Description: Bishop Rachel will lead this special service on Easter Eve alongside Bishop Robert, Bishop of Tewkesbury, as we celebrate Jesus Christ rising from the darkness of death. As we proclaim the light and life of Christ, a number of people of different ages who have encountered Christ in their lives will come to be confirmed and publicly declare their faith.
Easter Sunday, 9 April
Easter celebration at Eastwood Park Prison
Venue: Eastwood Park Prison, Wotton-under-Edge
Description: Bishop Rachel will lead an Easter Sunday service for the women at HM Prison Eastwood Park. Please note that no media is allowed at the prison.
For interviews about any of these events, please contact:
Lucy Taylor
Director of Communications and Engagement
Tel: 07811 174125
Email: ku.gr1738947622o.coi1738947622dsolg1738947622@roly1738947622atl1738947622