On Sunday 26 May, The Archbishop of Canterbury blessed betrothed couple Guy Wilson and Karyna Kulyk and their ikon, 2 days before their wedding. He blessed the pair at theContinue reading
Tag: marriage
Live updates from the Big Mission Weekend: Strength in faith- Rosalind’s journey through grief
When Rosalind’s husband Chris died leaving her with one-year-old triplets, Rosalind discovered the power of Christian hope in times of great grief. Rosalind and Chris desperately wanted children but afterContinue reading
Prayers for God’s blessing for same-sex couples take step forward after Synod debate
The Church of England’s General Synod has welcomed proposals that would enable same-sex couples to come to church after a civil marriage or civil partnership to give thanks, dedicate theirContinue reading
Surviving domestic abuse: Sarah’s story
“Even now, many years later, I still ask myself, ‘was it really abuse?’ I always hoped he’d hit me because then I’d definitely know it was abuse. Sarah*, a memberContinue reading
Living in Love and Faith: 3 easy steps
The Church of England’s Living in Love and Faith listening process closes at the end of April 2022, so now is the time to get involved if you haven’t already. WhatContinue reading
Message from Bishop Robert, 12 October 2021
Being a disciple of Jesus is an adventure – it can unsettle, challenge, disturb us but always leads to life.
You will read elsewhere in today’s Bulletin of the continuing invitation to be engaged with ‘Living in Love and Faith’ the teaching document which as Bishops we have prepared about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.
Living in Love and Faith
Living in Love and Faith – Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage, written by Margaret Sheather. “We, the Bishops of the Church of England invite youContinue reading