It’s a rather wonderful clashing of Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day this week. I might wish otherwise, but I suspect that the sales of roses and chocolates will outweigh those of ash… indeed I fear that it will be a one-sided contest…
Tag: Love
Message from Bishop Rachel, 15 November 2022
This Sunday (20 November) has been nationally designated as ‘Safeguarding Sunday’.
Message from Bishop Robert
“But I have not done enough.” These words were said to me some years ago by a member of the congregation in the church of which I was the Rector, to explain why they could not go ahead and be confirmed. ‘I have not done enough… I don’t deserve it…’ of course, as I tried gently to explain, if any of us waited until we have done enough to be confirmed no one would ever be!
Love Lent: stories from the Diocesan Education News
Beautiful Hearts of Love across the Hatherop School Community Thank you to the children and staff at Hatherop CofE Primary School who embraced February’s Hearts of Love campaign. Here areContinue reading
Romantic Meetings
I’m retiring soon, so I’m in reflective mode. And I had a thought. How much of my life in business and the church have I spent in meetings? Weeks, months,Continue reading
Solidarity in the face of malevolence
This week has been so sad with the terrible, unnecessary loss of lives, and great pain brought about in Paris by those who wish to impose their will upon othersContinue reading
Love in a Time of Terror
In the wake of the horrific shootings in Tunisia and Charleston, I’ve been thinking a lot about the dynamics of hate and fear and how they are related to violence.Continue reading