This International Women’s Day, the Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Revd Rachel Treweek will set off for a meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) inContinue reading
Tag: International Women’s Day
Message from Bishop Rachel, 5 March 2024
In recent days as I have entered into the lives and stories of individuals and communities in the diocese, as well as participated in General Synod and the country’s political arena, the Lent journey through the wilderness and towards the foot of the cross seems as poignant as ever. The pain, brokenness and injustices of our world are writ large, yet amid all the conflict, suffering, fear and uncertainty we hold fast to the hope of the empty tomb and the ever-present signs of the Kingdom of God within us and around us.
Bishop Rachel nominated for 100 women list
Happy International Women’s Day! Today, 8 March 2022, is International Women’s Day and Bishop Rachel has been nominated as one of 100 Inspirational Gloucester Women in a project by HundredContinue reading