St Michael and All Angels, Bishop’s Cleeve, mark the anniversary of their first outdoor Sunday morning gathering on Cleeve Hill. Lucy Barbour, Trainee Pioneer Minister, said: “In the aftermath ofContinue reading
HM Inspectorates of Prisons has released a progress report on the impact of COVID-19 on the criminal justice system.
The report finds that most agencies are not yet able to recover to their pre-COVID-19 position and warns that without a coordinated whole-system plan recovery is likely to be disjointedContinue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel, 12 April 2022
Recently the word disruption has been much in my thoughts. It is not only the continuing impact of covid, or those horrific scenes in Ukraine, or the images of lorriesContinue reading
Youth Ministry – National Youth Agency COVID Guidelines Update
The NYA today announced guidelines in place from Monday 19 July: They have now withdrawn the term Covid secure and adapted to being Covid responsible. Essentially it is now downContinue reading
Jo’s bag of worries
The Revd Jo Wetherall, Children and Families Officer, shows us how to make a bag of worries that can be used to help children with anxiety. She talks about theContinue reading
Calm jar tutorial with Jo Wetherall
The Revd Jo Weatherall, Children and Families Officer, has created a new video to talk you through making a calm jar. These little bottles, filled with water, oil and washing Continue reading