Grants for projects to enable a welcoming and caring church
All worshipping communities can apply for grants of up to £350 from The Hibiscus Project to support projects that enable a welcoming and caring church.
Bishop Rachel said: “The Hibiscus Project has been developed in memory of Neil Todd. Neil was a victim of Peter Ball, and tragically took his own life in August 2012. We wish to commend his tenacity and courage and that of other victims and survivors.
“Neil was a nurse with a passion for caring for others. It was with this in mind that we wanted to provide a fund to support projects that care for and welcome people of all ages to engage in church life and worship.
“A small fund has been dedicated to helping local worshipping communities to deliver new and existing ways of ensuring that all people, no matter what age, are able to attend, participate and engage with church life and worship.”
How to apply
Please contact The Revd Canon Dr Sandra Millar, Director of Mission & Ministry in the first instance.
Our grant-making committee based at College Green in Gloucester meets regularly to review applications and award grants. We offer grants of up to £350. Your application will need to clearly state what you are planning to do and the anticipated benefits. Please state the postal address of your Treasurer and the exact name of the PCC to whom the cheque should be made out. Please get approval from your PCC before submitting your plan. It will be considered by a small committee meeting in the Department of Mission and Ministry. The committee meets 3 times a year.
What conditions are there?
1. Within six weeks of completing the project, you must provide a written update including pictures and or a video sharing what you have managed to do in that time. We would appreciate regular updates to share widely.
2. Please be aware that your stories will be shared widely through publications, website and social media to inspire others. Permissions for photographs etc will be required.
3. A suitable person in your team should be available to provide telephone and email advice, on request, to other churches who want to learn from your experience.