Church buildings: grants, fundraising and money

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Diocesan LIFE Together Fund
Sylvanus Lysons Grant Making Charity
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Mission Grant Scheme

The Mission Grant Scheme is for a variety of missional activities. For example: to help buy resources to start a Messy Church; a lunch club for the elderly or to fund youth projects and evangelistic events. Grants are available to £3,000.
Introducing the Mission Grant Scheme

Mission Grant Scheme Application Form

Diocesan LIFE Together Fund

This supports the work of churches and communities across the diocese, making grants towards the revenue costs of specific projects for up to three years, as well as one-off grants.
Full details of LIFE Together Fund

Sylvanus Lysons Charity

Sylvanus Lysons works to further the religious and other charitable work of the Church of England in the Diocese of Gloucester. The Charity provides financial support for all sorts of projects, which may include initiatives taken by individuals, parishes and other Christian organisations.
Visit the Sylvanus Lysons web pages

The Hibiscus Project

Grants for projects to enable a welcoming and caring church.
Click here for details and forms

Small grants from the DBF

Loans for PCCs and small grants are available.
Click here for details and forms

Cecil Adams Organ Fund

The Cecil Adams Organ Fund exists through the generosity of the late Cecil Adams, who for many years was organist of Dursley and Diocesan Organs Adviser. Grants are made towards repairs and maintenance (but not alterations) of pipe organs in the Diocese of Gloucester.
Guidance Note for applicants
Cecil Adams Organ Fund Application

Table Tomb Fund

This small grant fund can assist with the cost of conservation repair of stone or slate table tombs and their surrounding ironwork in any churchyard in the Diocese of Gloucester, provided that such tombs shall be of a date prior to 1850.
Guidance notes
Table Tomb Fund application (pdf)
Table Tomb Fund application (Word)

Warneford Ecclesiastical Charity

This charity assists with the preservation and repair of church buildings in the Diocese of Gloucester, subject to the restrictions and provisions of the Foundation Deed. The Trustees meet annually in December to consider applications for small sums. Application forms and further information can be obtained from the Secretary to the Trustees, Michael Eliot at Ampney Cottage, Ampney St Mary, Cirencester, GL7 5SN or by email: moc.t1739471022enret1739471022nitb@1739471022toile1739471022leahc1739471022im1739471022


Whether you are considering fundraising for repairs, a re-ordering scheme or a missional project of some sort, this section is intended to help signpost you to the right kind of information to suit your particular project.

In addition to our guidance sheets below, the following links might also prove useful to gain information on some of the more well known grant-giving bodies:

Further organisations that provide grants for more specialist aspects of conservation:


National Church Trust Grants Leaflet 2019-23

The National Lottery Heritage Fund training presentation

Grant aid for parish churches to have wildlife gardens

National List of Charitable Grants for Churches 2020

Guidance Sheets

Funding application – guidance on where to start