Clergy Wellbeing: having a wobbly

When things begin to wobble or life tips into crisis


Even when we attend to our wellbeing, when we invest in these areas of heart, soul, mind and strength, we are not immune to life happening. Bereavement, illness, financial chaos, relationship breakdown, and the dark night of the soul, to name but a few, can come along when we least expect it.

As well as your Bishops and Archdeacons, and other departments on College Green, here are some signposts to support when you need it most.

Story: Embracing our uniqueness

As someone who responds to people intuitively and pastorally, I often have the experience of people telling me things, and then I assure them that I will pray for them. Early on in ministry, I would beat myself up for forgetting, which would leave me with a gnawing sense of lacking integrity.

As I’ve grown to know myself over the years, I realise that I usually do pray for those people, but it is rarely right away. I need time to process. Often, I’ll be told of a need or situation, and then I’m about to head into a couple of meetings, leaving me no time. Other times, it just feels like I need some space before I lift these things to God. I’ve found over the years that walking the dog has become part of my ministry, and is something I schedule in. It’s a time when I naturally intercede for situations and people, often alone and out loud, in the vast open spaces that are the joy of living in the Cotswolds.

~ Curate



Click a dropdown below for specific resources:


Diocesan Counselling Service and Occupational Health

When things threaten to overwhelm
This is part of the Ministry support framework. Read more →



Helping navigate difficult conversations
This is part of the Ministry support framework. Read more →



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This wellbeing resource is currently under development and we welcome your feedback. Please email: Kate Stacey