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Exciting new training opportunity for Children, Youth and Families Ministry

Thursday 12 September 2024, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

For anyone involved with Children, Youth and Families ministry in the Diocese of Gloucester.

More than an ideas factory, the ‘Introduction to Christian Ministry’ course is an opportunity to go deeper into your faith, learn more about the bible and ministry in a local learning community with the option to work towards a qualification.

Term time only. The course runs on Thursday evenings, with in person and online options, over one or two years.

Alongside the regular modules there will be five specific Saturday workshops (two online and three in person) to develop the key skills and perspective which underpin this specialist ministry.



Preparing to Learn: Scripture, Prayer and Theology

Creating and Leading Worship

Introduction to the Bible

Mission and Evangelism

Pastoral Skills


Jo Wetherall and Barrie Voyce are hosting an open evening to introduce Sarah Brush, Director of CGH and Gloucester Lead Tutor, who will explore the course with you and respond to any questions.

Please click here to register your interest so that we are able to send you the link for this event.

For more information email ku.gr1738893303o.coi1738893303dsolg1738893303@llar1738893303ehtew1738893303j1738893303.

Revd Dr Sarah Brush, Director, Cuddesdon Gloucester & Hereford
Sarah brings a range of experience in pastoral work, firstly as a parish youth worker in High Wycombe and later as a curate in the Borough of Dudley. She served as Worcester Diocesan Youth Officer where she advised all the churches on their engagement with young people as well as supporting educational chaplaincy in secondary, further and higher education and supporting the Church of England Youth Council as chaplain. Sarah was on General Synod from 2015 to 2017 and has previously been on the National Board of Education.  She has been a school governor at three different CE Primary Schools, including serving as both chair of governors and Safeguarding Governor. She was the chair of the trustees of Worcestershire YMCA and currently serves as Chair of the British and Irish Association for Practical Theology and as a trustee of the St Christopher’s Education Trust.





Jo Wetherall

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10