Support for parishes and deaneries

DBS Checks

Each PCC should ensure that they have a nominated Evidence Checker(s) to undertake the online checking which is a very straight forward process. Kate Peake, in the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, is on hand to help you if you experience any difficulties.

Parish Safeguarding Officers

The role of the Parish Safeguarding Officer:

  • The Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) is the primary link between the Diocese and the parish, when matters of safeguarding are concerned.
  • The PSO will have an overview of all church activities involving children, young people and vulnerable adults.
  • The role can be taken by one person or can be shared, for example with one person covering children the other vulnerable adults.

Deanery Safeguarding Drop-in sessions

Download the Deanery Support Forums Poster →

Safeguarding Dashboards & Hubs

The Parish Safeguarding Dashboard is a great online tool, which uses the guidance from the Church of England to enable you to check what you have done and highlight what needs to be done, to ensure that your church is a safer place. You can work with others in the parish to complete it and create an action plan to share with your PCC.

ku.gr1740214148o.coi1740214148dsolg1740214148@sdra1740214148obhsa1740214148d lia1740214148mE1740214148 to get started with your Parish Dashboard
Visit the Safeguarding Dashboards national website




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