DBS Checks
Each PCC should ensure that they have a nominated Evidence Checker(s) to undertake the online checking which is a very straight forward process. Kate Peake, in the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, is on hand to help you if you experience any difficulties.
A ‘DBS Check’ is for those working with vulnerable groups.
– We use thirtyone:eight for DBS checking processes. It’s a rapid process, and we can keep track of when a disclosure certificate is issued, and whether it is clear or not.
– Each PCC should appoint a nominated Evidence Checker to manage the straightforward online checking process. Once nominated, Evidence Checkers must submit their signed Registration Form to Kate (available for download below). We will forward the Registration Form to thirtyone:eight, which will issue unique passwords and a step-by-step guide for online checks.
– For Three-Year re-checks, or new applicant registrations, the Evidence Checker will provide applicants with instructions to initiate their online application. They will also process the DBS check and submit a Personal Details form and Confidential Declaration from each applicant.
– Once the Evidence Checker completes the online form on behalf of the applicant, it is sent to Kate Peake, to forward on to thirtyone:eight. We can then all keep track of the application’s progress and whether anything needs following up.
– Parishes should maintain their own records of checks, while Kate also keeps centralised records at the Diocese and can assist in verifying your records. A complete list of eligible roles for DBS checks is available below.
All documents you need are available to download below – if you have any questions or anything isn’t clear, please do get in touch with Kate Peake at:
at ku.gr1743184034o.coi1743184034dsolg1743184034@ekae1743184034pk1743184034 or on 01452 835586.
For evidence checkers:
- Recruiters guide - Basics to Enhanced
- Evidence checker form
- org ~ Eligibility Guide (if you have forgotten your username or password, please contact Kate Peake or ThirtyOneEight.org)
- Apply for a check
- Manage Applications
For applicants:
- Applicants guide – Basic Disclosures
- Applicants guide – Enhanced Disclosures
- Confidential-Declaration-Privacy-Notice
- Church of England Confidential Declaration Form
- Church-of-England-Confidential-Declaration-Form-2023 (Word doc)
- Personal Details Form
- DBS Personal Details Form (Word doc)
- ID checklist for applicants
- Safer Recruitment in the Parish Overview
- CofE Practice Guidance Safer Recruitment
- The Church of England’s Safeguarding e-manual
- Template Volunteer Role Description
- Template Reference Letter for Volunteers
- Template Questions for any job, inc. Safeguarding
- Application form – Employees Paid
- Template Reference Letter Employee
- Template Offer Letter and Personal Details Form
- Template Contractual Composite Statement Main Terms
- Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders
- Fact Sheet for PCC members and Safeguarding Checks
- Eligibility for an Enhanced Criminal Records Check (Appendix 7) – Safer Recruitment
- CofE roles eligible for DBS check (Appendix 8)
- DBS Frequently asked Questions
Parish Safeguarding Officers
The role of the Parish Safeguarding Officer:
- The Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) is the primary link between the Diocese and the parish, when matters of safeguarding are concerned.
- The PSO will have an overview of all church activities involving children, young people and vulnerable adults.
- The role can be taken by one person or can be shared, for example with one person covering children the other vulnerable adults.
Safeguarding Drop-in sessions
Safeguarding Support Forums Poster
Safeguarding Dashboards & Hubs
The Parish Safeguarding Dashboard is a great online tool, which uses the guidance from the Church of England to enable you to check what you have done and highlight what needs to be done, to ensure that your church is a safer place. You can work with others in the parish to complete it and create an action plan to share with your PCC.
ku.gr1743184034o.coi1743184034dsolg1743184034@sdra1743184034obhsa1743184034d lia1743184034mE1743184034 to get started with your Parish Dashboard
Visit the Safeguarding Dashboards national website
- It is free of charge to parishes.
- The dashboard is a way of keeping all your safeguarding records together, at a glance, with an easy system that tells you whether you are compliant with the many House of Bishops’ safeguarding requirements.
- It is not over and above what you already do, but it puts all your records together in one place.
- It is easy to use and has been extremely well received by all parishes in other dioceses.
- It will enable the diocesan safeguarding team to have oversight of all the parishes that participate and help us identify and support those who may be experiencing difficulties or may need some extra support.
Email ku.gr1743184034o.coi1743184034dsolg1743184034@sdra1743184034obhsa1743184034d1743184034 to get started with your Parish Dashboard
Safeguarding Dashboards national website