
Reporting a concern

What to do if you have a safeguarding concern.

If someone is in immediate danger or risk of significant harm, please remove yourself from any danger, then immediately contact the emergency services by calling 999.

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team may be contacted using these details:
01452 835516 (Mon-Fri, 9-5)
07944 680320 (Out of hours, Mon-Fri)*

Out of hours: Phone cover for advice/guidance over weekends and bank holidays is provided by the thirtyone:eight safeguarding helpline. They can be contacted on 0303 003 1111.

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team

Lucy Taylor

Lucy Taylor

Deputy Diocesan Secretary
Call us01452 835515
Lucy is the Director of Communications and Engagement, HR and Safeguarding, and Reception and welcome.

Brett Riches

Brett Riches

Safeguarding Manager & DSA
Call us 01452 835516 (Office hours) / 07944 680320 (Out of hours)*

Brett works Mon-Thu and every other Friday. He manages the Safeguarding Team, leading on casework and advice/guidance, responding to safeguarding allegations as required.

*Out of hours cover on weekends is provided by thirtyone:eight – 0303 003 1111

Mel Biscoe

Melanie Biscoe

Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
Call us01452 835516 (Office hours) / 07944 680320 (Out of hours)*

Melanie is the Assistant DSA and works full time. She supports on all areas of case work and advice/guidance, and also has a lead safeguarding connection role with Sportily.

*Out of hours cover on weekends is provided by thirtyone:eight – 0303 003 1111


Becca Faal

Becca Faal

Strategic Lead for Safeguarding Training & Learning
Call us 07401 197280
Becca is the lead for all safeguarding training and learning and works Weds-Fri. Becca ensures training is delivered to a high standard within the national CofE framework.

Cathy McIntyre

Safeguarding Training Administrator
Call us01452 835558

Cathy is the contact for safeguarding training administration including answering your queries about how to log on to the national Church of England training portal for the online Basic and Foundation courses.

Kate Peake

Kate Peake

DBS and Safer Recruitment Administrator
Call us07484 967555
Kate works weekdays except Weds, from 9.30am to 4pm. She administers our processes including DBS, and our three year rolling recheck process. Please email Kate for any of your Safer Recruitment or DBS related questions.

Anna Dunn

Anna Dunn

Safeguarding Support Officer
Call us01452 835516
07944 680320 (Out of hours)
Anna works Mon-Thurs and supports with advice/guidance via phone and email as well as providing direct support to parishes.

Jess Goulding

Jess Goulding

Safeguarding Support Officer
Call us01452 835516
07944 680320 (Out of hours)
Jess works Tues-Thurs and supports with training delivery as well as support for parishes on areas of learning/development.


There is no such thing as a ‘silly concern’ or a ‘waste of time’ if you have something that is worrying you. We want people to be in touch to talk things through, whatever the level of concern or advice needed.

Examples of reasons someone might need to seek advice/guidance from the Diocesan Safeguarding Team:

• A child, young person or adult discloses abuse
• Someone discloses concern for a child, young person or adult
• Someone notices signs of potential abuse of a child, young person or adult
• A child, young person or adult makes a disclosure about their own behaviour towards another child, young person or adult
• Someone witnesses concerning behaviour during a church activity or during a home visit
• Someone is a victim/survivor of abuse of harm – either as a child or as an adult and wants to talk to someone about this
• Anything else that leaves someone feeling concerned or otherwise uncomfortable about a situation that might be safeguarding

The concern or allegation might relate to someone at church or to someone in another setting or in the wider community.

Initial action and response

Responding well to victims and survivors of abuse

A flow chart of the reporting procedure, in emergency contact 999
second part of the flow chart.

Other useful safeguarding contacts

Debbie Innes-Turnill, Independent Chair of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel (DSAP) can be contacted at ku.gr1743166710o.coi1743166710dsolg1743166710@drao1743166710bgsfo1743166710riahc1743166710

Gloucestershire Children & Families Helpdesk

Gloucestershire Adults Helpdesk

GDASS (Gloucester Domestic Abuse Support Service)

Safe Spaces England & Wales

NSPCC (National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children)

NAPAC (National Association for People Abused in Childhood)


Clewer (Modern slavery support)

Church of England National Safeguarding Team

The Crisis Team

You can call our Crisis teams directly on the number below.

Call 0800 169 0398

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you call, please choose one of the following options depending on your location:

    • Option 1 for Stroud and Cotswolds
    • Option 2 for Gloucester and Forest
    • Option 3 for Cheltenham, Tewkesbury and North Cotswolds

P3 Charity
NCDV (National Centre for Domestic Violence)

Complaints procedure

If you have a complaint or concern about how we have dealt with a safeguarding issue, please see the following policy and procedure documents below:

Safeguarding Complaints Procedure 2022

*Out of hours cover on weekends is provided by thirtyone:eight – 0303 003 1111



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