Trinity Cheltenham releases new EP ‘Come To The Well’

Published: Tuesday October 15, 2024

Trinity Cheltenham released a new EP called ‘Come To The Well’ last month, an album of six songs produced by the church’s musicians, songwriters and worshippers.

Jay Norris, worship pastor of Trinity Cheltenham and one of the singers, musicians and songwriters on the EP said: “The album is a collective effort. There are no names of artists, singers or performers listed, it is the voice of Trinity.”

‘Come To The Well’ was inspired by a moment of prayer when Jay and other EP contributors climbed Cleeve Hill, overlooking Cheltenham. “We just walked up the hill to pray,” Jay recalled. “I looked out and I thought that Cheltenham looked like a bowl in the middle of a group of hills. I sensed that the Lord was saying that Trinity was to be a spiritual well, for people locally and far out.

“The songs serve as an offering from the church to the community and beyond. There was a calling upon us to be a spiritual well, to provide a space where people can come in and meet with the Lord, encounter Him, and realise that He is the one who can change your life and give you whatever you long for.” This vision, rooted in the story of the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well in the Gospel of John, has since become a seasonal theme for other aspects of the church.

The EP was created by a group of ten to twelve from the church. Song ideas were shared in group gatherings which involved worship and creative collaboration. For Jay, the writing process often starts with poetry-style lyrics.

“I get inspired by something and then start to sing out with a guitar or keyboard in hand, or while walking somewhere, and connect with God in that way. A bit like allowing poetry to just come out of you. I think that’s the way that a lot of our writers begin songs. You’ve got something on your heart to sing out and you see what comes.” he explained.

These ideas then came to life with the talents of musicians and vocalists from within the church. “We have incredible musicians. We are very blessed to have them,” Jay said. One notable moment from producing the EP was making the song ‘All the Glory’, which emerged during a moment of worship at the church.

“It was one of those spontaneous moments,” Jay recalled. “We got into the studio to record it, it’s a duet song, and the girl singing it with me was incredible at including different harmonies, which inspired me to start singing new parts too. It was produced so naturally.” Other songs such as ‘The Well’ have already become popular songs in their church worship.

Trinity Cheltenham has a strong history of worship music, and Jay acknowledges the influence of past leaders like Neil Bennett and Jake Isaac, and previous associations with movements like New Wine. “I often think we are standing on the shoulders of giants here,” he shared. “There was such a strong musical foundation already in place.

“We felt that it was time for us to produce again. There were some new songs that the Lord wanted to give us at this time.”

Trinity plans to release a live version of the EP in the new year, featuring recordings of the existing songs with a couple of new ones too.

Listen to their songs below through YouTube, or find them on Spotify or Apple music.

A group of people of all different ages sharing a meal together


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