Survivors and the future of Church safeguarding

Published: Friday May 10, 2024

A view of an online meeting on a computerA survivors’ response group is being set up following the reports by Sarah Wilkinson and Professor Alexis Jay, and survivors are invited to register to attend.

The Wilkinson/Jay Response Group is now planning a round of  focus groups to hear the views of victims and survivors of abuse. Sessions will be facilitated by an external facilitator, Brian Watts, using safety principles and a research approach to explore themes identified through the Response Group’s initial engagement survey.

Sessions will run at the following days and times, using Zoom video conferencing software.

  • 15 May, 2pm to 4.30pm
  • 22 May, 6pm to 8.30pm
  • 23 May, 2pm to 4.30pm

Participants will be given material to read prior to joining the focus groups. They will also have the choice to attend anonymised or with their preferred names (including pseudonyms) or/and have their cameras off if they prefer.

An honorarium of £77.50 will be offered to survivors involved in this work for their time and valuable contribution to important discussions about the future of safeguarding.

If you would be interested in participating, please write to gro.d1738866990nalgn1738866990efohc1738866990ruhc@1738866990gnidr1738866990augef1738866990as.eg1738866990agne1738866990 to register your attendance by Monday 13 May.

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