The Rt Revd Rachel Treweek
(Readings Isaiah 9:2-7 and Luke 2:1-14)
Some of you will know that I have the privilege of being the Anglican Bishop for prisons, and last week I was at a carol service in a prison. As always when I enter through the gate in a high wall, I was acutely aware of the punishment of separation. It’s always particularly poignant at Christmas, not least for those children and families who feel the pain of separation from family members in prison. And then there is the pain of all those impacted by crime.
Christmas can be tough for victims of crime and offenders – and very often people are both.
And in that prison carol service, I confess that I had to work hard to let the hope overcome my despair at our failure to shape our criminal justice system in a more effective way whilst media stories perpetuate the myth that locking up more people, and for longer, in a place of separation, will somehow make our communities safer and stronger and help us move towards those Christmas advert scenes of happy households, and communities embracing one another in the street. Sadly the evidence is that it’s just not true.
And as we sang carols, as with all carol services this year, my thoughts were turned to a very different scene of walls and separation, of punishment and issues of security rippling with fear – but now in the Middle East. This Christmas it feels particularly poignant to be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ in Palestine.
The prophet Isaiah’s mention of ‘boots of tramping warriors’ and ‘garments rolled in blood’ – words written hundreds of years before Christ came to earth – they have a chilling resonance as we not only recall horrific images of the atrocities of slaughter in a kibbutz and people taken hostage; and then of the military bombardment of the people of Gaza; but also the bloodshed and violence elsewhere in our world, not least in Ukraine.
Our world is marred by the wounds and scars of people offending against one other; of people being divided and separated. There is fear, and fracture of relationship. And as we sing of a ‘silent night’, and ‘away in a manger’ amid the darkness of our world, so many people from different perspectives long for justice and for peace. How we long for the fulfilment of that vision spoken by Isaiah of the Prince of Peace and the establishment of justice and righteousness.
I suspect by now you are thinking ‘Give us some joy and hope Bishop – it’s Christmas.’ And I say Amen to that! Why will thousands of people choose to spend time on Christmas Day watching a depressing episode of EastEnders full of pain and separation? Stay with me – Here comes the glorious ‘up’ moment of Christmas:
Out on the hills above Bethlehem there were the night-time caretakers – shepherds – everyday people going about their normal business, and then totally unexpected, come the angels. And the eyes of those ordinary shepherds are lifted up. Lifted up to something totally beyond themselves. The glory of the Lord shone around them. Immense light which was both beautiful and overwhelming.
And as so often with angels, come the words ‘Do not be afraid’ – and then a proclamation of good news. It is a message not of separation or of punishment, but a message that the God of the universe has chosen to draw close – to come and be with all people – people of all ages, of all backgrounds, of all cultures and experiences; people in mess and pain, and people in joy and comfort. Good news of great joy for all people.
It is indeed about justice and peace, but it is also about love and mercy.
Before thousands watch EastEnders today, there will also be thousands watching the King’s speech, hopefully with recollection of the beautiful and moving Coronation earlier this year. And as I was writing this sermon I was reminded of the presentation of those different artefacts with different symbolism. As the Sword of Offering was presented to the King, the Archbishop spoke of it being “a sign and symbol not of judgement, but of justice; not of might, but of mercy.”
As I look at our world today longing for peace, yet longing too for justice, whether that be about individuals who offend, or countries defending themselves, or a difficult neighbour, or the misuse of the earth’s resources, or about people suffering in so many forgotten places of our world; it needs to be said that peace and justice cannot dwell together unless they embrace love and mercy. And all of it requires the ‘with’ of relationship.
God’s way of dealing with the world’s brokenness, and the establishment of righteousness and justice is not to stay distant and to punish us with separation (it is us who have chosen that). Rather, Christmas reveals God’s plan of coming to ‘be with’ – Indeed one of the names given to the Christ-child was Emmanuel, ‘God with us’.
It’s a tough one because it’s not easy to grasp that mystery of God living the ‘with’ of relationship when justice so easily demands separation. And there is nothing easy about perfect love which demands justice, yet holds fast to mercy and forgiveness.
God’s love is tough because it somehow holds all these things together in a vision of hope, promising that one day there will be perfect peace and restoration – everything in right relationship – people, God, and all creation, in perfect harmony – a ‘being with’ beyond our imagining.
This is the audacious vision of the kingdom of God we see breaking in with that tiny child lying in an animal feeding trough, in a land of occupation, at a time of government decree. God ‘with us’.
And we see the kingdom of God drawing closer in that Christ-child, grown to be man who many chose to separate themselves from, yet who revealed the revolutionary love and mercy of ‘God with us’. And one day Jesus Christ hung in a tortuous place of crucifixion, strung up between two criminals. And in a place named as justice, came Christ’s offering of mercy and peace. Tough love indeed. And three days later Christ rose from death, revealing the truth that brokenness, separation and even death, is not the end. God’s mercy and love and ‘with’ is stronger.
‘The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.’
In the days ahead when we’ve said goodbye to Christmas, and the shepherds and magi have departed, I wonder what the birth of Jesus Christ will leave imprinted on our lives. How will we live that ‘with’ of relationship? How tough will our love be? It seems to me that so much of what we call tough is actually the easy option of separation and walking away from.
Of course, in some situations, separation is right and necessary for people’s safety and it is about love. But I’m talking about those situations when we prefer separation and punishment and refuse mercy and love.
What would it look like if we walked towards the person we see as ‘other’, or if we reached out a hand of friendship in a place of judgement? What might that look like for people leaving prison; or the refugee seeking community; or the old person separated from neighbour; or the community which doesn’t want young people gathering on the corner and would prefer some separation?
These are not easy questions, and every situation is different, but this Christmas may we open our ears to the song of the angels proclaiming good news; and in a world which cries out for justice and yet at the same time longs for love, may our lives be marked by the love of God who comes to be ‘with’ us. God whose love is tough because it entwines justice with mercy; and righteousness with peace, and all in a place of relationship.
May that love change us that we might be world-changers. You never know, it might even change the way we view prison, but it will certainly let us sing joyfully with the heralding angels ‘Glory to the newborn King’ – with us and for us.