On a bright and chilly October afternoon in the Forest of Dean, Sportily, the diocesan sports ministry programme was commissioned, with the authorisation of Adam Legge as Activity, Faith and Leadership Development Programme Leader.
Toasting marshmallows on the fire in the fading light, sending arrows flying high into the sky and taking shots at the goal in the inflatable football pitch – all part of an innovative new way of being Church.
Even Bishop Rachel was hopping around and jogging on the spot, with everyone challenged to see if they could balance longer than the Bishop!
Bishop Rachel prayed that the Christian Adventure Centre at Viney Hill would be a place where people discover that the light will always be stronger than the darkness.
Sportily encourages young people to jump right in and go on new adventures together.
The Sportily ethos is about being a safe place to try different sports, make new friends and explore what life is all about. They do all sorts of sports and activities, hang out, chat, eat and discover new things and have a laugh while doing it.
It’s part of a new approach that the Church of England in and around Gloucestershire is taking to connect with the 95% of young people who have no contact with Church.
Groups of sports leaders, trustees, funders and clergy, as well as local children came along to the launch event at the Christian Adventure Centre.
If you’re interested in finding out more about Sportily you can visit the website and find out about events local to you.
Play sports, talk life | Sportily