Sunday 4 July was Thank You Day and thousands of people shared their stories of thankfulness using our Thank You Cards and resources. The congregation at Blockley (left) gave theirContinue reading
Tag: thankfulness
Thank You Day, this Sunday, 4 July
Are you ready to say a big thank you to someone that has been there for you during the pandemic? Over 6,500 free postcards and resources have been sent out,Continue reading
A message from Bishop Robert
An invitation to celebrate #ThankYouDay on Sunday 4 July and free resources to help your worshipping community take part.
70th anniversary of the Battle of the Imjin River
A message from Bishop Rachel Last Sunday I had the privilege of leading a short service to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Imjin River in theContinue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel
Tomorrow we begin our Lenten journey. As we lived our first lockdown during Lent last year, I referred on several occasions to those wonderful words from the Lent preface to the Eucharistic prayer about ‘learning to be God’s people once again’ …