Tag: curates

Into Incumbency: Environment and Faith

Against the background of the climate and biodiversity emergencies, the Diocese is giving increasing priority to exploring environmental concerns as a core discipleship priority.  We achieved bronze Eco Diocese accreditationContinue reading

Into Incumbency: Legal Matters

This session covers some of the main areas where legal issues impact on day to day ministry.  This includes: Marriage – banns, qualifying connections, common and special licenses and marriageContinue reading

Into Incumbency: Hassle to Harmony

Being an incumbent necessarily involves handling disagreement and   conflict. This session helps us identify the importance of, and how to enable, different voices to be heard.  Thus moving from conflictContinue reading

Into Incumbency: Wellbeing

Forming habits of wellbeing will help you flourish in the challenges of incumbency.   To book one or more of the Into Incumbency courses please click here to access the booking formContinue reading