The Archdeacons would like to invite all Churchwardens to a Workshop being held at 7pm on Wednesday 30 October 2024 at St Andrew’s Church, Station Road, Churchdown, GL3 2JT. ThisContinue reading
Tag: Archdeacon Phil
An invitation to Archdeacon Phil’s farewell service
It was announced recently in the Bulletin that the Archdeacon of Cheltenham, the Ven Phil Andrew has made the decision to move on from the Diocese of Gloucester at theContinue reading
Archdeacon of Cheltenham to move on
The Archdeacon of Cheltenham, Phil Andrew, has announced that he will be resigning from his post at the end of the year to begin what he describes as a ‘newContinue reading
Message from Archdeacon Phil, 18 June 2024
I don’t know about you, but I often feel slightly uncertain how to respond to ‘Father’s Day’ which we have just celebrated. That’s true even though one of the greatestContinue reading
Archdeacons’ Visitation Services 2024
This year for the Archdeacons’ Visitation Services, which all Churchwardens are encouraged to attend in order to be admitted to their role, we plan to follow the same pattern asContinue reading
Archdeacons’ Visitation Services 2024
This year for the Archdeacons’ Visitation Services, which all Churchwardens are encouraged to attend in order to be admitted to their role, we plan to follow the same pattern asContinue reading
Archdeacons’ Visitation Services 2024
This year for the Archdeacons’ Visitation Services, which all Churchwardens are encouraged to attend in order to be admitted to their role, we plan to follow the same pattern asContinue reading
Archdeacons’ Visitation Services 2024
This year for the Archdeacons’ Visitation Services, which all Churchwardens are encouraged to attend in order to be admitted to their role, we plan to follow the same pattern asContinue reading
Archdeacons’ Visitation Services 2024
This year for the Archdeacons’ Visitation Services, which all Churchwardens are encouraged to attend in order to be admitted to their role, we plan to follow the same pattern asContinue reading
The Diocese of Gloucester’s 2023 visit to Dornakal, India
In October this year Archdeacon Phil Andrew, the Revd Gary Grady, the Revd David Bowers and Penny Fayter left the UK for a partnership visit to two of our InternationalContinue reading
Message from Archdeacon Phil, 17 October 2023
One of the questions we sometimes ask candidates being interviewed for clergy posts in the Diocese runs along the lines of ‘What, for you, is the heart of the good news of the Gospel, and is there a Bible verse that is central to this?’ … I am always struck by the range of responses and find myself reflecting on what my answer would be.
Message from the Archdeacons, 18 October 2022
One of our most important roles as Archdeacons, working closely with our bishops, involves the pastoral care of the clergy and lay leaders of our varied worshipping communities. It’s aContinue reading
The Ven Phil Andrew’s sermon for Sunday 23 August
Every week, we’re sharing a sermon so that those who can’t access biblical teaching for whatever reason, or who would like to share the sermon from senior clergy, can doContinue reading
The Ven Phil Andrew’s sermon for July 19
Each week we share a sermon and a reading for use the upcoming Sunday. We’re also sharing podcasts and weekly news bulletins of different sorts. This week, The Ven PhilContinue reading
Archdeacon Phil family Gospel reading video for June 28
Archdeacon Phil teaches us on the story of the Good Samaritan. To share via a Zoom meeting/webinar, make sure this youtube video is open in your web browser. Then, duringContinue reading
The Ven Phil Andrew’s sermon for June 14
Each week we share a sermon and a reading for use the upcoming Sunday. We’re also sharing podcasts and weekly news bulletins of different sorts. This week, The Ven PhilContinue reading
Archdeacon Phil family Gospel reading video for May 24
Archdeacon Phil teaches us on the story of Zacchaeus. To share via a Zoom meeting/webinar, make sure this youtube video is open in your web browser. Then, during the ZoomContinue reading
The Ven Phil Andrew’s sermon for Sunday 10 May
Every week, we’re sharing a sermon so that those who can’t access biblical teaching for whatever reason, or who would like to share the sermon from senior clergy, can doContinue reading
Wednesday of Holy Week 2020
Archdeacon of Cheltenham, The Ven Phil Andrew shared his reflection for Wednesday 8 April during Holy Week. He reflected on “the amount of contrast that we are having toContinue reading
Maundy Thursday 2020
Thank you to the thousands of people who joined us live online on 9 April. The subtitled recording is now available below, including BSL sign language for the sermon atContinue reading
Videos to take children, schools and households through Easter and beyond
The Bishops and Archdeacons take us on the journey of the days following Jesus’s death Wednesday 15 April, 9am Tomorrow Archdeacon Phil talks barbecues, burgers andContinue reading