Where a household’s income is less than 60% of the UK average (identified by an annual government survey), that household is considered to be living in poverty.
Poverty can be the result of issues around low income, unemployment and debt, to ill-health and poor education.
Please use the links below to find out where support and advice is available
Age UK Advice on benefits, pensions, attendance allowance, debt, savings and more. Information on insurances, energy services, funeral plans etc which are especially for the over 50s. To find you local center click here.
Christians Against Poverty By partnering with CAP, your church has the opportunity to demonstrate God’s love in action. Whether you choose to help people through debt, unemployment or addictions, you can bring hope and good news to some of the most marginalised people in your community.
Churches Mutual Credit Union Membership is open to anyone who holds a recognised position in a paid or voluntary capacity within the churches (including PCC members, PCC employees, diocesan staff as well as lay and ordained ministers).
Church Urban Fund The Church of England’s response to poverty with an aim to inform, inspire, resource and support churches as they work to tackle poverty and build community.
Gloucestershire Carers Advice and guidance about money and benefits.
Gloucestershire Credit Union Provide members with help and support on managing their financial affairs, encourage saving and provide loans to members at fair and reasonable rates of interest. There are local branches across the county.
Stroud Valleys Credit Union Provide members with help and support on managing their financial affairs, encourage saving and provide loans to members at fair and reasonable rates of interest. There are local branches across the county.
For more about local Credit Unions click here.