
Governor CLARITY

Governor CLARITY

Online via Zoom

For ALL Governors and Trustees of Church Schools Governor Clarity presents the latest news, information and updates along with the opportunity for discussions on key issues. Open to all governorsContinue reading

Meet the School Trusts

Meet the School Trusts

Parliament Room, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LY

For headteachers, chairs of governors, senior leaders An opportunity to meet individuals from within the family of School Trusts who work with our schools, make connections and find out aboutContinue reading

Collective Worship, Spirituality & SIAMS

Collective Worship, Spirituality & SIAMS

Holiday Inn Gloucester-Cheltenham Crest Way, Barnwood, Gloucester, United Kingdom

For all Collective worship and spirituality can have a huge impact on shaping both the character of your school and the character of individual pupils and adults. To help ensureContinue reading


Exploring Academisation

Exploring Academisation

Online via Zoom

For governors, trustees and headteachers of maintained Church Schools and SATs and headteachers. Other senior leaders are also welcome. An opportunity to find out more about the DBE strategy forContinue reading

Net Zero Carbon School

Net Zero Carbon School

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

Ideas that won’t cost the earth For school leaders, governors and trustees By the end of the session participants should expect to learn ways to reduce their carbon footprint asContinue reading

Unconscious Bias training

Unconscious Bias training

Parliament Room, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LY

For headteachers, senior leaders, collective worship leaders, all governors This vital training will ensure you are able to recognise where there is a need for greater inclusivity within your environmentContinue reading


Governors Introduction to a Church School

Governors Introduction to a Church School

Parliament Room, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LY

For Governors and Trustees of CofE Schools This is an introduction to the unique and privileged role governors and trustees hold in Church schools. We will explore the different typesContinue reading

Help! How can I prepare for SIAMS?

Help! How can I prepare for SIAMS?

Holiday Inn Gloucester-Cheltenham Crest Way, Barnwood, Gloucester, United Kingdom

For Headteachers, governors and those who lead on the Christian character of the school including trust leaders This is a one day course, with lunch, for headteachers, governors and thoseContinue reading

Exploring Academisation

Exploring Academisation

Holiday Inn Gloucester-Cheltenham Crest Way, Barnwood, Gloucester, United Kingdom

For governors, trustees and headteachers of maintained Church Schools and SATs and headteachers. Other senior leaders are also welcome. An opportunity to find out more about the DBE strategy forContinue reading


Governor CLARITY

Governor CLARITY

Online via Zoom

For ALL Governors and Trustees of Church Schools Governor Clarity presents the latest news, information and updates along with the opportunity for discussions on key issues.  Open to all governorsContinue reading

Meet the School Trusts

Meet the School Trusts

Online via Zoom

For headteachers, chairs of governors, senior leaders An opportunity to meet individuals from within the family of School Trusts who work with our schools, make connections and find out aboutContinue reading


"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10