The Company of St Kyneburga

Statue of St KyneburgaCreated in 2013, the Company of St Kyneburga is a group of people who have served the Diocese of Gloucester with distinction in a way that many wish to honour. Members of the Company are nominated by Area Deans, Diocesan Officers and many other people. People are admitted to the Company by the Bishop and receive their badge of membership at a service in the Cathedral.

Membership of the Company of St Kyneburga recognises and honours service to the Diocese across our worshipping communities and schools, set within the context of the wider community, usually over a very long period of time. Members receive a badge of membership and are invited to an annual service and reception in the Cathedral.

The Company takes its name from Kyneburga, co-foundress and abbess in the eighth century of the first religious community at what is now Gloucester Cathedral. The association with Kyneburga is a reminder that those who are honoured for their service today are the latest in a long line going back thirteen hundred years of those who have built up, maintained and enriched the life of the Church in Gloucestershire.

The annual service of the Company will normally be near St Kyneburga’s Day, which is 25 June.

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More about The Company of St Kyneburga