The set of live-recorded Everyday Faith workshops are available below to watch again. Visit our main Festival page for marketplace resources and of all our amazing stories of faith! WatchContinue reading
Tag: Work
What do you get if you send a bishop to a gin distillery?
The Bishop of Tewkesbury, the Right Revd Bishop Robert Springett visited the 6 o’clock Gin/Bramley and Gage gin distillery as part of a series of ‘Take a bishop toContinue reading
Work: the bigger picture
(Check our events for upcoming events)In the workplace, we’re called to be a model of Christ to others. A moulder of culture; someone who tries to make things better forContinue reading
‘To Do’ List
Another day is over and the ‘To Do List’ is woefully incomplete. This is my reality and I imagine it would be the same for many. Why is it thatContinue reading
Romantic Meetings
I’m retiring soon, so I’m in reflective mode. And I had a thought. How much of my life in business and the church have I spent in meetings? Weeks, months,Continue reading
All part of God’s plan
The topic of work is never far from the headlines. Just in the last week: the National Apprenticeship Awards, the fall in unemployment, the CBI’s call for a rise inContinue reading
Honest vulnerability and simple living
Once again Pope Francis has hit the headlines, this time for revealing his anxiety over becoming Pope. Before his name was announced to the world, he sat in silence inContinue reading