Tag: schools

Pray for Schools – Forest of Dean

Mobilising Christians to support their school communities through prayer. Includes guest speakers, a time of prayer and networking for Christians, teachers, school staff, those involved with schools work and whoContinue reading

Pray for Schools – Forest of Dean

Mobilising Christians to support their school communities through prayer. Includes guest speakers, a time of prayer and networking for Christians, teachers, school staff, those involved with schools work and whoContinue reading

Pray for Schools – Forest of Dean

Mobilising Christians to support their school communities through prayer. Includes guest speakers, a time of prayer and networking for Christians, teachers, school staff, those involved with schools work and whoContinue reading

Meet the School Trusts

For headteachers, chairs of governors, senior leaders An opportunity to meet individuals from within the family of School Trusts who work with our schools, make connections and find out aboutContinue reading

Unconscious Bias training

For headteachers, senior leaders, collective worship leaders, all governors This vital training will ensure you are able to recognise where there is a need for greater inclusivity within your environmentContinue reading

RE Hub Meeting

For RE leads across Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire. Please see further information on the Religious Education page of our website, in the RE Hubs tab. NO COST to schools / participants

Exploring Academisation

For governors, trustees and headteachers of maintained Church Schools and SATs and headteachers. Other senior leaders are also welcome. An opportunity to find out more about the DBE strategy forContinue reading

Meet the School Trusts

For headteachers, chairs of governors, senior leaders An opportunity to meet individuals from within the family of School Trusts who work with our schools, make connections and find out aboutContinue reading