“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you didContinue reading
Tag: Remembrance
Message from Rachel Howie, 7 November 2023
This time of year is an important time for remembering. We have made space and time in our churches on All Souls’ Day to remember all those that we have loved who have died, we have marked All Saints’ Day, honouring those who are remembered as saints having experienced an extraordinary outworking of the Holy Spirit, and we are almost at Remembrance Sunday.
Message from Dean Andrew, 31 October 2023
One of the questions I often find myself being asked by people I meet is this: what is your favourite verse from the Bible? There are so many verses I could choose, but the themes in the scriptures that have always most inspired me are those that speak of light and hope.
Message from Bishop Robert, 8 November 2022
This week, we will remember the victims of war, from the Great War to the Second World War and the conflicts that have followed to this very day. As we remember, we will commemorate all victims of war and we will give thanks for those who have worked to bring peace out of war and we will, I trust, commit ourselves, as we remember, to be people of peace.
Dragonfly story commemorates loved ones
Christchurch and English Bicknor Churches used the ‘Waterbugs and Dragonflies‘ book by Doris Stickney as a basis for their All Souls’ Service on Sunday. All Souls’ Day falls on 2Continue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel, 2 November 2021
‘… all things have been created through him and for him. He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He is the head of theContinue reading
A space to remember babies loved and lost
Bishop Robert visited Christ Church, Cheltenham to bless a special remembrance area in the church garden for Baby Loss Week. People from the local community who had been affected byContinue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel
Today I’m putting yellow daffodils in the window, and tonight at 8pm it will be the flame of a candle, bearing witness to lament and hope, and grief and thanksgiving.
Act of remembrance for Sri Lanka to be held at Gloucester Cathedral Sunday 28th April
A short act of remembrance and a time of silence.
Gloucester Cathedral hosts GCHQ Poppyfall Cascade for WW1 Centenary
GCHQ’s giant waterfall of handmade poppies is on display at Gloucester Cathedral as part of the city’s World War One Commemoration.
On remembering…
Around the county we have once again gathered by the memorials and declared we will remember. ‘Lest we forget’ is the challenge of the Poppy appeal. But what does itContinue reading
I have always acknowledged when watching the news or attending a Remembrance Sunday service how grateful I am to those who have and continue to give their lives in theContinue reading
We will remember them
On the 28th June 1914 the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, started a chain of events which would ultimately lead the world to war. Continue reading
Leadership in Times of Crisis
It is said that a week is a long time in politics. Clearly it is also a long time in diplomacy. Just one week ago Bishop Michael wrote in thisContinue reading