We hear from two young people currently doing the three-month Sports priority placements at Viney Hill, which is part of our developing leaders and vocational pathway. They are exploring sportContinue reading
Tag: priority
Play football INSIDE Gloucester Cathedral!
Jesus fished with the fishermen and taught with the teachers; would he play football with the footballers …?
Teaming up with PSALMS for a multi-sport Camp
Churches in Cheltenham have come together to run a multi-sport camp for the first time in their local area
Exciting news in disguise – LIFE vision
Update from Helen Wolfson, Vision Support Officer Exciting news sometimes comes in disguise. The ‘Archdeacons Articles of Enquiry’ was a term new to me when I started supporting the DioceseContinue reading
LIFE priority groups meet
LIFE priority group leaders meeting to share reflections As worshipping communities across the Diocese pray, reflect and find their own engagement in the LIFE vision, groups of people from acrossContinue reading
Community through Sport
Sport enables people to form a bond. They share a common interest and have a common ground for communicating which can develop into friendship. Going to a local park orContinue reading