Scotland to be welcomed at special event
Tag: Priest-in-Charge
Remember, remember…
In a recent episode of Doctor Who (the one with all the trees for the aficionados), he said “The human superpower is forgetting…” At this time of year, it feelsContinue reading
Pope signs up to Big Bang theory!
Pope signs up to Big Bang theory! So a recent headline goes. Others were more restrained, reporting that in addressing the Pontifical Academy of Sciences he said that the BigContinue reading
Sometimes we are the solution
I suspect you will have seen a story like this before: An old man walked the beach at dawn, he noticed a young man ahead of him picking up starfishContinue reading
Local farming is focus for Harvest celebrations
In my small smallholding of three raised beds, I’ve had two salad potato crops, lots of tomatoes, lettuces and herbs, and plenty of raspberries – but, despite resorting to weaponsContinue reading