9 people were ordained priest and 10 people ordained deacon in two huge services at Gloucester Cathedral over the last weekend of June.
Tag: livestream
Ordination of deacons – catch up with the livestream
8 new deacons ordained at Gloucester Cathedral
Footage from the 2022 Readers’ Day
The Readers’ Day service of admission, licensing and re-commitment to Reader ministry was live streamed on Saturday 24 September.
Video and photos from the Readers’ Day 2021
Sunny skies, big smiles and a recommitment to ministry at the annual Readers’ Day celebration at Gloucester Cathedral. You can see some of the photos of this special day of fellowship
Full livestreaming guidance
To help worshipping communities with livestreaming, and to cut through the barrage of information online, we have published a full set of guidance and resources
Tuesday of Holy Week 2020
Archdeacon of Gloucester, The Ven Hilary Dawson shared her reflection for Tuesday 7 April during Holy Week. She reflected how “Jesus loves those who need his love the most.”Continue reading
Wednesday of Holy Week 2020
Archdeacon of Cheltenham, The Ven Phil Andrew shared his reflection for Wednesday 8 April during Holy Week. He reflected on “the amount of contrast that we are having toContinue reading
Maundy Thursday 2020
Thank you to the thousands of people who joined us live online on 9 April. The subtitled recording is now available below, including BSL sign language for the sermon atContinue reading