This workshop will look at all the different ways that parishes can and do generate income. Bring your ideas and be inspired by what others have done to raise money for all differentContinue reading
Tag: giving
Planned Giving Workship
This workshop will equip church leaders with tools to encourage regular planned giving within your congregation. Explore how Christian stewardship and generosity align with discipleship journeys and foster a cultureContinue reading
GoodWill Event
Have you got questions about Wills, Probate & Power of Attorneys? Have you got no idea how to plan or pay for a funeral? Concerned about the eco nature ofContinue reading
Fundraising Workshop
This workshop will look at all the different ways that parishes can and do generate income. Bring your ideas and be inspired by what others have done to raise money for all differentContinue reading
Grant Writing Workshop
There are many Trusts across the UK who are seeking to make grants to churches and worshipping communities but many churches are unsure how to access these and how toContinue reading
Giving as an act of remembrance, by Lisa-Jayne Lewis
“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you didContinue reading
Grant Writing Workshop
There are many Trusts across the UK who are seeking to make grants to churches and worshipping communities but many churches are unsure how to access these and how toContinue reading
Christian Aid calls for harvest support
Christian Aid is calling for worshipping communities to support its Harvest of Hope during the autumn’s Creationtide and harvest festival celebrations. Christian Aid is finding sustainable solutions to support thoseContinue reading
Preaching Generosity Workshop
This workshop is designed for anyone who leads in churches and wants to feel more confident in preaching and teaching about giving as a part of our Christian discipleship. TheContinue reading
New: Stewardship and giving workshops 2024
Many of you will have met Lisa-Jayne Lewis, the new diocesan Stewardship and Giving Advisor. After initial meetings with people across the diocese, she has pulled together a series ofContinue reading
Message from Bishop Robert, 23 April 2024
I suspect there will be a number of different answers to the question of what we think we are doing as we give week by week or month by monthContinue reading
Friends of… Workshop
What are the benefits of a ‘Friends of’ scheme in your church or community? If you are looking at setting one up or already have one that you’d like to grow andContinue reading
Preaching Generosity Workshop
This workshop is designed for anyone who leads in churches and wants to feel more confident in preaching and teaching about giving as a part of our Christian discipleship. TheContinue reading
Grant Writing Workshop- FULLY BOOKED
Please note that there are no longer any spaces for this workshop. Due to this we have created an additional afternoon workshop. There are many Trusts across the UK whoContinue reading
Grant Writing Workshop
There are many Trusts across the UK who are seeking to make grants to churches and worshipping communities but many churches are unsure how to access these and how toContinue reading
Fundraising Workshop
This workshop will look at all the different ways that parishes can and do generate income. Bring your ideas and be inspired by what others have done to raise money for all differentContinue reading
Fundraising Workshop
This workshop will look at all the different ways that parishes can and do generate income. Bring your ideas and be inspired by what others have done to raise money for all differentContinue reading
A time to give…. Christmas appeals 2021
If you have some spare, it’s good to share… opportunities to give to others this Christmas.
Give thanks for your Covid-19 vaccine
The Diocese of Gloucester has partnered with aid and development charity Christian Aid to enable people to give thanks for their Covid-19 vaccine and help others in crisis across theContinue reading
Christian Aid Emergency food appeal
Christian Aid is urging churches across the Diocese of Gloucester to support an appeal offering a lifeline to those impacted by torrential rain, floods and landslides that have displaced millionsContinue reading