Fiona Crocker, Vicar in Cam with Stinchcombe Benefice reflects on the role that a funeral plays when we are grieving a loved one. “When I stand at the door afterContinue reading
Tag: funerals
Bereavement Visitor Training
Monday 16 June – Monday 7 July 2025 @ 7.30-9.00pm in The Monastery’, (the old House of Frazer Building) near Cirencester Parish Church, Market Place, Cirencester, GL7 2NX. (possibility ofContinue reading
Funeral Ministry and Bereavement Training
Monday 7 April – Monday 7 July 2025 (no session 21 April / 5 May / 26 May) (possibility of some sessions via Teams by arrangement) @ 7.30pm – 9.00pmContinue reading
Diocese of Gloucester solving the challenge of decline in church funerals
Nationally, the number of Church of England funeral services has declined by a further 19% since 2018. Yet, the Diocese of Gloucester may be one of the only dioceses inContinue reading
Prisons: Are we asking the right questions?
Following the recent escape of a prisoner from HMP Wandsworth there were immediate answers being demanded of questions about how the prison could possibly have allowed this to happen. The problem is that the questions we ask can lead to answers which don’t actually shine the light in the right places.
Funeral Project networking evening
Gather in the beautiful surroundings of the Parliament Room in Gloucester Cathedral for a funerals networking event hosted by the Rt Revd Robert Springett, Bishop of Tewkesbury. Funeral ministers andContinue reading
Bereavement Visitor Training
Parish Bereavement Visitors offer pastoral and listening support to church members and the wider community at a time when it is most needed. They also play a vital missional roleContinue reading
Kelly’s faith through childloss and grief
Today marks the start of National Grief Awareness Week. Kelly Owen shares how she found comfort in Jesus following the death of her eldest child, Abigail and how her faith gave her the courage to live and grieve.
Changes to guidance for places of worship
The national guidelines were updated on Monday 17 May, and will affect rules around worship, weddings and funerals
Death café celebrates five years of meetings
Death and dying is a topic that people often avoid, despite the fact that its an inevitable part of life. But people in Nailsworth were determined to break theContinue reading
COVID-19 Support for households, parents and children
These resources have been created especially for use during the Corona virus pandemic. There are three resources which complement each other; Fear – how do we talk to ourContinue reading
Mar 28: Funeral guidance and resources
To all clergy and Readers As you will be aware the latest national Church guidance is that funerals may now only happen at the Crematorium or at the graveside. OnlyContinue reading
Diocese of Gloucester Funerals
Diocese of Gloucester Funerals is a diocesan initiative offered to Funeral Directors to provide the most complete range of Ministers’ for funerals from a single source. These links will leadContinue reading