This workshop will look at all the different ways that parishes can and do generate income. Bring your ideas and be inspired by what others have done to raise money for all differentContinue reading
Tag: fundraising
Fundraising Workshop
This workshop will look at all the different ways that parishes can and do generate income. Bring your ideas and be inspired by what others have done to raise money for all differentContinue reading
Christian Aid calls for harvest support
Christian Aid is calling for worshipping communities to support its Harvest of Hope during the autumn’s Creationtide and harvest festival celebrations. Christian Aid is finding sustainable solutions to support thoseContinue reading
Teachers boost charity farm funds with marathon success
Two primary school teachers from James’ C of E Junior School, Gloucester ran impressive times in the London Marathon last weekend, raising over £140 for St James City Farm andContinue reading
Inspiration for Christian Aid Week 2024
Christian Aid Week 2024 is taking place from 12 to 18 May. This year the charity is inspiring people to challenge poverty in Burundi. Many worshipping communities in the DioceseContinue reading
New: Stewardship and giving workshops 2024
Many of you will have met Lisa-Jayne Lewis, the new diocesan Stewardship and Giving Advisor. After initial meetings with people across the diocese, she has pulled together a series ofContinue reading
Friends of… Workshop
What are the benefits of a ‘Friends of’ scheme in your church or community? If you are looking at setting one up or already have one that you’d like to grow andContinue reading
Preaching Generosity Workshop
This workshop is designed for anyone who leads in churches and wants to feel more confident in preaching and teaching about giving as a part of our Christian discipleship. TheContinue reading
Grant Writing Workshop- FULLY BOOKED
Please note that there are no longer any spaces for this workshop. Due to this we have created an additional afternoon workshop. There are many Trusts across the UK whoContinue reading
Grant Writing Workshop
There are many Trusts across the UK who are seeking to make grants to churches and worshipping communities but many churches are unsure how to access these and how toContinue reading
Fundraising Workshop
This workshop will look at all the different ways that parishes can and do generate income. Bring your ideas and be inspired by what others have done to raise money for all differentContinue reading
Fundraising Workshop
This workshop will look at all the different ways that parishes can and do generate income. Bring your ideas and be inspired by what others have done to raise money for all differentContinue reading
“God had always been there, even when I thought I was alone, so I wanted to give back.” Yvonne Penn
Each year, churches and worshipping communities across the Diocese of Gloucester take part in Christian Aid Week – a global fundraising event aimed at bringing families across the world outContinue reading
Teachers’ marathon effort to raise money for City Farm
In April, two members of staff at St James’ Church of England Primary School in Gloucester will be taking part in the London Marathon. Ahead of the big day, theyContinue reading
Ride + Stride – building community while raising funds for church buildings
Saturday 9 September will see people from worshipping communities across the Diocese taking part in Ride + Stride, the Historic Churches Trust’s annual fundraising event. Churches across the Diocese ofContinue reading
Vicar’s son climbs Snowdon to raise funds for church
On 14 April, Dan, aged nine, from Quedgeley climbed a mountain in Snowdonia with his mum, raising £600 towards St James’ Church funds. Dan is the son of the RevdContinue reading
Take on the Big Pea Challenge for Christian Aid Week, 14–20 May 2023
Christian Aid Week (14–20 May) is a time when Christians of all denominations come together to raise funds to help others across the world. This year’s focus is on theContinue reading
Couple run marathon to help Longhope Church bells ring again
Beth and Tom Baker, who go to Longhope Church in the Forest of Dean, have just completed the London Marathon, which took place on 2 October, to help raise fundsContinue reading
St Andrew’s tackle Three Peaks for three young superheroes
St Andrew’s Churchdown families come together to raise funds for three young superheroes, taking on the Three Peaks Challenge.
Sleep out to raise money for the homeless
Gloucester’s annual Cloister Challenge event returns to the Cathedral on 18 to 19 March 2022, raising money for the homeless and vulnerable. The Cloister Challenge raises much-needed funds for localContinue reading
GHCT celebrates 40th anniversary success at Gloucester Cathedral
Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust had a hugely successful evening celebrating their 40th anniversary at Gloucester Cathedral and was able to announce a marvellous £37,000 fundraised so far in their anniversaryContinue reading
Harriet’s hair is a lifeline for the rainforest
A seven-year-old from Barnwood is on a mission to save the rainforest and she’s prepared to do whatever it takes to make a difference.
Sarah seeks to beat her Ride + Stride record
Saturday 11 September 2021 is Ride + Stride, the day when walkers, cyclists, horse riders, runners and tricyclists get moving to visit as many churches as they can in oneContinue reading
Three solid hours of bell ringing planned for Ride and Stride
St John the Evangelist, Elkstone is hoping to perform a ‘full peal’ on its newly restored church bells as part of Ride and Stride on 11 September. The bells wereContinue reading