Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us runContinue reading
Tag: creative
Love Lent: stories from the Diocesan Education News
Beautiful Hearts of Love across the Hatherop School Community Thank you to the children and staff at Hatherop CofE Primary School who embraced February’s Hearts of Love campaign. Here areContinue reading
Great outcomes from the 2019 Creative Arts festival
Nikki Seville, Vision Group Administrator for the diocesan Creative Arts Priority, writes about the recent Christian Arts festival: The Christian Arts Festival gives a platform for Christians to express theirContinue reading
Running an art exhibition at your church: Case study – St Mary’s Church, Bibury
As an example of an art exhibition in a church, Paul Hobbs has written a report on a show of his at St Mary’s Church, Bibury. The exhibition was comprisedContinue reading
New window for Lechlade, created by the local children
A beautiful new window for Lechlade, designed and made by tiny hands! Jonathan Clark, currently a curate in Lechlade, writes on the story behind the recently unveiled fused-and-stained-glass window. Designed andContinue reading