Scientific theories are often posed as a challenge to people of faith, but for many scientists within our worshipping communities, the two are a natural pairing. If your worshipping communityContinue reading
Tag: creation care
“Climate change is a ‘together’ challenge” – the Revd Mark Siddall
This autumn, the Revd Dr Mark Siddall, Priest-in-Charge of St James’ Church Kingsway and Quedgeley, is leading a series of seminars to help clergy, ministers and readers understand the scriptural, theological and missional imperative to care for God’s Creation.
Creation care, gardens and churchyards
Blog by the Revd Cate Williams, Environmental Engagement Officer for the Diocese of Gloucester A few things have crossed my path over the last few weeks that shareContinue reading
Wild and Wonderful goes live
Petra Crofton, environmentalist, author and childrens worker from Barnwood, Gloucester, has launched a new set of resources to help children and young people learn about science and the natural world,Continue reading