Bishop Rachel opened the fourth annual Festival of Stars in the gardens of Dalkeith Residential Care Home in Cheltenham, and described the day as ‘brilliant’.
Tag: Cheltenham
Church’s litter pick cares for Cheltenham’s streets
At the end of Gold Cup Week, a team from St Matthew’s and The Minster in Cheltenham walked the streets to pick up litter. As part of the churches’ EcoContinue reading
Outstanding Ofsted judgement for Christ Church C of E Primary School
Christ Church CofE Primary in Cheltenham is celebrating having been awarded an Outstanding rating in all five areas of effectiveness in an inspection last month. The glowing report states that,Continue reading
Water dispensers at All Saints’ dramatically cut plastic waste
All Saints’ Academy in Cheltenham has prevented the use of 37,271 plastic bottles since September, by installing water bottle refilling stations around the school. From November, the academy stopped sellingContinue reading
Youth Worship Night
Enabling Young People to say ‘Yes’ to Jesus ‘YOUTH WORSHIP NIGHT’ is a collaborative youth ministry project dedicated to gathering young people from across the area of Cheltenham to worshipContinue reading
Street Pastor’s experience of night ministry
Six new volunteers have been commissioned to join the Cheltenham Street Pastors Team at Cheltenham Minster and the group is keen to find more new recruits. Street Pastors are trainedContinue reading
Small things making a big difference – how to get started with Eco Church in an Hour
Register your church and pledge one hour per week to help make your church greener Has your church discovered new ways to care for your environment through Eco Church? DoContinue reading
Vicar’s top tips for triathlon success
Roger Widdecombe, Team Vicar at St Paul’s Church in Cheltenham, has completed a fundraising Olympic distance triathlon in aid of International Justice Mission UK. Appearing in his various sports kitsContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: Starting with a blank sheet of paper
Last August I was licensed as ‘Community Pioneer Minister‘ for the Parish of West Cheltenham and essentially given a blank sheet of paper on which to imaginatively draw the futureContinue reading
Helping all to run the good race at St Matthew’s and the Minster
St Matthew’s and the Minster, Cheltenham, was out in force to cheer on runners in the Cheltenham Half Marathon on Sunday 5 September. As part of their mission to beContinue reading
Church on the Hill brings people closer to God
The Revd Malc Allen, Rector at St Michael and All Angels Bishop’s Cleeve, Cheltenham, and Trainee Pioneer Minister Lucy Barbour have been taking their congregation outside for a special monthly serviceContinue reading
Imagination: Faith outside the church walls
When Gill Heron and her husband Simon moved to Cheltenham from North Essex in the middle of lockdown, they were determined that the closure of the church building wouldn’t beContinue reading
Festival of Stars: A ‘smorgasbord’ of fun
On 11 September 2021, the streets of Whaddon will be alive with music, colour and fun with the free summer celebration from the Cheltenham Christian Arts Festival. The Festival ofContinue reading
Cheltenham Zero Community Fund
PCCs operating in Cheltenham Borough are eligible for funding from the Cheltenham Zero Community Fund. Up to £5,000 can be obtained to support initiatives that will result in: Carbon reductions;Continue reading
What does it mean to be a ‘Dementia-friendly church’?
Dementia awareness and projects in local churches We recognise the extraordinary worshipping communities who care for people living with the condition. Inclusion and connection help us all flourish together. InContinue reading
Sharing our stories; the ‘Digital Advent’ project
We’re hearing different voices in the congregation, giving more people an opportunity to share their faith in a fairly safe way, and we’re also giving the wider congregation an opportunityContinue reading
Everyday Faith: Andrew shares his story
Andrew from Cheltenham shares his story of faith. This video formed part of our recent online Festival of Everyday Faith – for additional personal stories of faith, please use theContinue reading
Everyday Faith: Beth shares her story
Beth from Cheltenham shares her story of faith. This video formed part of our recent online Festival of Everyday Faith – for additional personal stories of faith, please use theContinue reading
Everyday Faith: Tina shares her story
Tina from Cheltenham shares her story of faith. This video formed part of our recent online Festival of Everyday Faith – for additional personal stories of faith, please use theContinue reading
Cheltenham Literature Festival 2020
The diocesan team can’t be at the Literature Festival with our family tent this year, but we are proud to be sponsoring two events at this year’s Festival. Silencing yourContinue reading
Christian library offers free delivery service to Gloucester and Cheltenham
A new Christian library in Gloucester is providing a free loan and delivery service for Christian reading materials during lock down. The books, CDs and DVDs were donated by membersContinue reading
Follow the Star – guest blog from Nick Davies
Nick Davies, Team Rector in South Cheltenham writes … Last year, our church used the #FollowTheStar materials in social media, posters, Church decorations and branding to try to get messagesContinue reading
Call for Steward assistance at The Christian Arts Festival
Christian Arts Festival Stewards Please click on the flyer and circulate to anyone interested in Stewarding for the Christian Arts Festival 2019 and therefore getting to see the events theyContinue reading
Not on Our Turf campaign to bring an end to modern slavery and human trafficking
Churches and other community leaders across Cheltenham are backing a campaign to bring an end to modern day slavery and human trafficking.