We are acutely aware that this past week in the life of the Church of England has been turbulent and painful, particularly for victims and survivors of abuse, who mustContinue reading
Tag: bishops
Safeguarding in the Diocese of Gloucester
In February of this year our diocese, including Gloucester Cathedral, was externally audited for our safeguarding work. This audit was part of the Church of England’s ongoing commitment toContinue reading
Could you provide pastoral support to C of E schools?
Bishop Robert and Bishop Rachel are looking for special people with a background in education who can take on the role of Bishop’s Visitor to Schools. This is a voluntaryContinue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel: Living in Love and Faith
This week I have spent three days with the Bishops of the Church of England as we now move towards this final part of the ‘Living in Love and Faith’ journey and reach a decision about what is brought to General Synod in February 2023 regarding same-sex relationships.
Cancelled: The Pilgrim Way: Baptism and Confirmation Course
This event has been cancelled, but if you are interested in exploring confirmation, please do contact your local priest who will be able to help you. Bishop Rachel and BishopContinue reading
Bishop Rachel questions the Government about issues around body image
Bishop Rachel asked a question in the House of Lords today; “Can the Noble Lord Minister say what assessment the Government has made about the potential merits of labelling digitallyContinue reading
End to Friday releases to cut crime and make streets safer
Prisoners vulnerable to addiction, mental health issues or homelessness will no longer be released on Fridays under new plans to cut reoffending and make streets safer. Figures show that …
Bishop Rachel questions Government about preventing domestic violence
Bishop Rachel has asked a question in the House of Lords about preventing domestic and sexual violence. She said, “My Lords, in this important issue of violence against men andContinue reading
Bishop Rachel speaks out on the Nationality and Borders Bill
Bishop Rachel spoke yesterday in the House of Lords to challenge the Nationality and Borders Bill, speaking up for migrant survivors of gender-based violence. She said it is “disproportionately difficultContinue reading
Bishop Rachel speaks in the House of Lords on the PCSC Bill
In partnership with Revolving Doors (working together on the Amendment), The Nelson Trust, Women in Prison and the Prison Reform Trust, Bishop Rachel spoke in a debate in the HouseContinue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel: Chrism service sermon
Over the past year there has been so much loss of different sorts, and amid the bereavement and the trauma I have been very struck by how many people have said that one of the things they have missed is being able to share food and drink with friends. It’s certainly one of the things I’m looking forward to.
Message from Bishop Robert
Over 8 million people in this country live in overcrowded, unaffordable and sub-standard accommodation, I cannot but recognise that this is both an affront to human dignity and a challenge to act …
Domestic Abuse Bill ~ Bishop Rachel’s speech to the House of Lords
Bishop Rachel has spoken in the House of Lords on the Domestic Abuse Bill, celebrating the good work to date, yet also pushing for some important amendments. Watch here: FullContinue reading
A message from Bishop Rachel: Diocesan Synod Presidential Address, given on Saturday 28 November
Tomorrow is Advent Sunday – the start of the new Church year – and with Advent comes a time of watching and waiting. You might feel as if you’ve done a bit too much of that recently.
Podcast Episode 17 and 18: Human Sexuality
A series of two podcasts on human sexuality. Bishop Rachel speaks with a number of people about the Church of England’s Living in Love and Faith resources. Read the BishopsContinue reading
The Domestic Abuse Bill; What do we welcome and where does the bill need to do more?
Bishop Rachel in conversation with Nicole Jacobs, the Designate Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales …
Confirmations to resume
Confirmation: A message from Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert We are pleased to be able to tell you we can now begin to plan for confirmation services to resume. ForContinue reading
Weekly roundup: sermon, podcast and readings for July 26
This week’s offerings of sermon, podcast and reading/reflection, ready for Sunday July 26. The Sermon Slot The Ven Hilary Dawson shares her sermon for July 26. Each week weContinue reading
Bishop Robert’s Family Gospel reading for July 26
The Rt Revd Robert Springett, Bishop of Tewkesbury’s reflection on the Gospel reading for this Sunday, July 26 To share via a Zoom meeting/webinar, make sure this youtube video isContinue reading
Bishop calls for joined up approach to early years interventions
Investment in ‘Best Beginnings’, ranging from Children and Family hubs to midwives and health visitors will tackle problems at the beginning of a child’s life rather than waiting until crises develop in later years.
Weekly roundup: sermon, podcast and readings for July 19
This week’s offerings of sermon, podcast and reading/reflection, ready for Sunday July 19. Families Gospel video The Very Revd Stephen Lake, Dean of Gloucester Cathedral, teaches on the Gospel readingContinue reading
Dean Stephen Lake’s Family Gospel reading for July 19
The Very Revd Stephen Lake, Dean of Gloucester Cathedral, teaches on the Gospel reading for this Sunday, July 19. How can we learn from the parable of the weeds? ToContinue reading
Weekly roundup: sermon, podcast and readings for July 5
This week’s offerings of sermon, podcast and reading/reflection, ready for Sunday July 5. Families Gospel video Released every Tuesday; a short video for children and households, based on the GospelContinue reading
Message from the Bishops regarding the re-opening of church buildings
Dear brothers and sisters, As you will have seen and heard by now, the Government has announced significant relaxation of rules as we continue to emerge from lockdown. This meansContinue reading