A new altarpiece by renowned Gloucestershire artist PJ Crook was unveiled at St Michael and All Angels Church, Bishop’s Cleeve on 13 December. The artwork will be dedicated by theContinue reading
Tag: Art
The Real Me
Working in partnership to create ways of helping children and young people explore their real value and identity. The Real Me: Messy Church resources now available
Letter to clergy about the Good Shepherd Project
Dear clergy, Nine life-sized sheep models are travelling around the 118 church schools in the Diocese of Gloucester over the next academic year, as part of the Good Shepherd Project. YouContinue reading
Partnering with the Literature Festival
The Diocese of Gloucester has developed an exciting partnership with Cheltenham Festivals
Church and school partnership brings joy to all ages
Children from Hempsted Primary School have been signing up to go to a Wednesday service at their local church. There is a very active worship group at the school withContinue reading
New partnership with Cheltenham Festivals
As part of our LIFE vision, the Sharing our stories in new and different ways, including through digital media priority group, have formed a new and exciting partnership with CheltenhamContinue reading
Holy Week art pilgrimage
Artist Jonathon Brown’s second set of “Stations of the Cross; as seen from the eyes of Jesus” is on display during Holy Week at the West of Severn Benefice, Gloucester.Continue reading
New art based explorers’ course developed by St Martin in the fields
‘Inspired to Follow’ This new course sounds really intriguing. Discussions are based around fine art paintings from the National Gallery, which put alongside a biblical story and a short reflectionContinue reading
The Great Community Mural Competition
Ecclesiastical are holding an Art Competition which your Church can get involved in! Get Inspired, Get Creative, Get Inventive and create a piece of art that shows how your ChurchContinue reading
Messy Church Does Science – Discover how science and faith mix
Messy Church Does Science – Discover how science and faith mix BRF Messy Church’s new project ‘Messy Church Does Science’ brings together faith and science under the safety-spectacled eye ofContinue reading
Launching the Ship of Bones and the Dry Bones Live community art project at Discover DeCrypt
St Mary de Crypt Church, Southgate Street, Gloucester, is now open Monday to Saturday between 12 noon and 2.00pm. We have a busy season of events and activities ahead, includingContinue reading
Growing Community – Activities and Getting Started
Click on the images below to discover some practical examples and ideas to follow or adapt. Tips for getting started as: Individuals A Church Activity tips and inspiration: Coffee Mornings Creating Together Continue reading
A message from Bishop Rachel re ‘Faith’ exhibition
‘Faith’ by artist Russell Haines is an exhibition which portrays a number of individuals’ stories through beautiful portraits and gives a glimpse of who they are as people of faith.Continue reading
“Faith” by artist Russell Haines
New Exhibition at Gloucester Cathedral. “Faith” by Artist Russell Haines ‘To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.’ Thomas Aquinas ‘Faith’ byContinue reading
The importance of looking
Walking into the cathedral every day is something I try not to take for granted. And as the “Crucible 2” exhibition is still with us, each day is an opportunityContinue reading
Surprised by Sculpture – Crucible2 has arrived!
Art and faith have a long shared history – artists find inspiration in religious images; and painting, sculpture and music speak of the spiritual both directly to individuals and throughContinue reading