
Accessibility: website and social media content

We aim to ensure that all of our digital resources are informative and entertaining to use as well as being accessible. Where we’ve missed a trick or could do a better job – please contact the diocesan office and let us know!

Accessibility depends on how a person’s disability affects the way they perceive information on a web page. To keep our sites up with developments in digital comms, we test regularly via the W3C-recommended Webaim tools, as well as participating in UX/UI workshops around the South West. Though not all content on this website is CC-licensed, we do share back and are actively involved in various development communities including Accessible Bristol, regional UX devs, the WordPress dev community & WCLDN, W3C networks and stack overflow.

We always work to improve ‘Alt tagging’ on imagery on our websites, and test systems to try and keep them as open as possible. When we create a video, we add subtitles wherever possible; please do request specific subtitling if it isn’t yet available.

Printed content

We often use PDF format as font sizes can be manipulated by the user to aid legibility. Where mailings are hardcopy printed, we offer large-print versions and digital copies to aid accessibility wherever possible. Please contact the diocesan office to request specific content.